Fate's Betrayal

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This is a oneshot everyone!! Yeah... And I won't tell you anything coz you have to read the intro .... Have fun!!

Third Person's POV

Beck and Judal have been dating for years already. Maybe 2 or 3 years?? They love each other that they're willing to sacrifice themselves for their better half. And of course in every love story there is an antagonist. But we'll skip that for now. There are also friends or a friend that knows it more than your parents.

Now onto the story...

It was a bright sunny morning at the Kou Empire, everyone is already awake and lively at that time. Beck was skipping through the halls being the happy girl she is. She was also a student by a certain Magi, A certain Black haired, Red eyed, Cruel Magi. Yup! It was Judal. She also has her friend attending to the lesson. It was Rayne. Rayne is Beck's childhood friend and is VERY loyal. They went through hardships together. And that made their bonds stronger.

She reached the training grounds, she was so excited to see Rayne and of course her boyfriend and mentor, Judal. Not knowing what lies beyond the vast space that is covered by walls and the only entrance, the door. She opened the door and was shocked at what waits for her on the other side. Rayne was pinned on the wall, her hands above her yellow beautiful locks. That part was not shocking.. In fact she will be happy that her friend got her OWN boyfriend. She should be happy right?? But no!! It was the other way around!! She was really sad.. Rayne was being kissed by him. Long ,black with bobs hair, bloody red,piercing eyes that she grew fond of and loved. It was Judal. The one that said that he loves her. The one accepted who she was. The man she cared a lot for.

She saw her friend smirking while glancing at her.

'You traitor!!' Beck's eyes practically screamed.

Beck's blue eyes was being filled with a hot wet substance. Her eyes stung. She was crying and ran outside. Finding what seemed to be a peaceful place and that was her room. She cried her eyes out until a certain someone knocked on the door. Oh she wished that it was Judal.. Wished that he will explain everything.. Wishing that he'll laugh and said he was joking.. Wishing that he'll apologize. But to her dismay, the one who entered was her. Her former friend that betrayed her. The one she grew with. The one whom she fought the life's struggles with. The one who took him from her. Yes, it was that slutty b****, Rayne.

"How does it feel that I took him away from you?? Oh! I never did took him from you, I took back what is rightfully mine!!" She slapped Beck's face HARD.

"So move away b****!! Judal' s MINE!!" She then scurried along to her life.

"I know that already.." Beck whispered to herself and cries silently.

Skip till nighttime~

Beck was outside now. Escaping from the tight security of the palace. She went to a tall wall. And when I mean tall, I mean Really TALL!! She took forever just to get to the top..and when she reached it.. She saw a bright and peaceful calm sea. The moon was shining ever so brightly. The night sky was shining because of the twinkling stars. But below her was a dangerous spiky, rocks. One fall will lead to death..

She cried silently and to her dismay, the sky cried as well. The twinkling stars has now vanished from her vision. The once calm sea is now rampaging because of the droplets hitting the water. And the shining moon was also taken by the gray clouds.

She cried to her heart's content. She screamed away all her pains.. Then a thought ran through her mind.

She stands up from her seat and breathes the watery air. She closed her eyes and feels the rain.

'The sky is comforting me huh?'

"Beck!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THERE!! GET DOWN!!" an oddly familiar voice that made her heart stop whenever she hears it called out for her.

"Ne~ Judal..." She looked down to her male boyfriend, I mean, ex boyfriend. She saw guilt and sadness from the said man's eyes.

"I'M REALLY SORRY BECK!! I NEVER MEANT TO KISS RAYNE!! SHE WAS THE ONE WHO INITIATED IT!! I SWEAR!!" He looks like he was sincere. Beck smiled that made Judal's heart skip a beat and made him relieved. BUT....

"It's to late Judal.." She whispered but Judal heard this. It made his heart broke into million of pieces. He flew to her side but this dang wall was too tall!!

"Judal.. Have you remembered when you confessed to me?" She blurted out sadly. Judal was crying now.

"No!!! DON'T YOU EVER THINK OF DOING THAT!!" He yelled at her, increasing his speed.

"You look really ridiculous that time!! HAHA!! And you also brought flowers and chocolates that day. You took me out on a beautiful and remarkable date!! It was awesome Judal!! Who knew that you have some romantic side of you!! Haha!" She took a step back. Her back facing the Blue sea.

"I'LL BE THERE SO DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!! DON'T YOU DARE!!" Judal yelled and his eyes was now even red from crying. You can barely notice this because of the rain.

Beck took another step back and let herself fall to the ground. It was when Judal already reaches her former place. He flew down to grab Beck's hands. But as if gravity was ripping them apart. Beck's fall was faster. She hit the ground with a loud 'thud'. Spikes has pierced through her body.

"Judal.... I love you..."

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! BECK!!!!!!!!!"


taeminSHINee18469 A.K.A.Beck:*fumes in anger but blushes* You made me Die?!!

Kyla:*holds hands up in the air* It's part of the story!! And I'll try doing a Kouha one. Main character is Mina7967 A.K.A Mina-san!!

Kouha:*cries* First Alibaba's death. Now Beck's death... What's wrong with this world?! T^T

Kougyoku:*crying HARD in her room*

Koumei:*was now crying visibly*

Kouen:*went to his room and sobs were heard*

Kyla:*still not crying* I'm still unaffected. Am I heartless??

Kouha:*nods* Y-yes y-you A-are!

Kyla:*gasps* Are you sure?! Judal!! Am I heartless?!

Judal:*a single tear drops from his red eyes* Y-yeah.. I t-think so...

Kyla:*goes to emo corner again* YOU GUYS ARE MEAN!! T^T

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