Chapter 9

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Wisteria/Mia POV

Bepper sounded more strange as usual. She ignored me and looked more hurt. She hangs out with Snowy more than me. Something is up and I need to figure it out.

~Time Skip Brought to you by Jamcon! The first Animal Jam meet up place!~

I was walking back to the hotel room alone since Bepper went with Snowy to get some Hot coco. I walked past the Hot coco area. Bepper and Snowy were laughing and doing silly things. I walked to the elevator filled with jealousy. I pressed the button and the doors opened. When I stepped in Bepper and Snowy walked in the elevator with their hot chocolates. I sighed of annoyance as they started to talk and laugh again. When we reached my floor I walked out first and went out to my hotel room. I opened the hotel door and I saw a note on the wall. It read:

Hey Mia! I had to go according to the authorities. I will see you when you get home. Love you!

-Julan xoxo

I sighed and sat on my bed. Remembering all the memories.

"Hellooooo?" I smiled. "Hellooooooooooooooooooo!" I laughed as I heard Bepper's voice on the other side.

I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I wiped away my tears and got out of my room. I decided to go to Aparri to calm down. I knocked on Aparri's door. When he opened his tired face lit up. "Oh hey Mia- Omg your makeup. What happened?" His smile turned to a worried face quickly. I did a half smile. "I will tell you Can I come in?" He nodded and stepped on the side so I can come in. "Thanks." "No problem." He turned around and closed the hotel door. I sat down on his bed. His bed was pretty comfy. "Alright, tell me what's wrong." He sat on the bed and looked at me straight in the eyes telling me it's okay to tell him. I sighed. "Well, since Julian left.. I am here all alone and like Bepper has been ignoring me and.." I felt tears well up into my eyes.

He nodded and hugged me. I couldn't take this loneliness so I just let it out. My salty tears landed on Aparri's shirt. He rubbed my back comforting me. "It's okay. I'll talk to Bepper." I stopped crying and looked at Aparri. "Really?" He nodded and smiled. I hugged him tightly. "Thanks!" I broke the hug and smiled. I walked over to his door. "When you finish talking to her, knock on my door alright?" I winked and he nodded.

I opened the hotel door, walked out, then I closed the hotel door. I walked to my hotel door. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around. My face lit up as I saw Bepper smiling. I hugged her. "Bepper! I missed you." She hugged me back. "I missed you too Mia." She broke the hug then she grabbed my hand. "I love you Mia." Then she started to disappear. "Sarah?!" She looked at me and gave me a peck on the cheek before she turned into dust. "Bepper?!" I looked at the pile of dust on the floor. I started to tear up and I picked up the dust. "I will miss you." I started to sob at the dust on the floor.

I looked around and I saw no one. I didn't see Aparri or Bepper. I miss you Bepper, what did I do to deserve this? I thought and sighed as I opened my hotel door. When I stepped in I closed my hotel door. I walked over to my bed and turned on the lamp beside it. I laid down on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking about Bepper. Then a thought crept into my mind. Do I actually like Bepper? Yes I do.. Am I bi? Or is it just love? You are Bi. I got confused who answered my questions. I jumped at the sound of the knock on my door. I got up and walked to it. I opened it with no interest who was at the door. "Yes?" It was Aparri. "Bepper said she just wanted to get her mind off of you. I can bring her over if you want." I nodded smiling. "Yes please kid." Aparri shook his head. "Don't call me kid." I got into his face. "I can do what I want. Ha Jk." I got out of his face and I started laughing.

Aparri rolled his eyes and walked away to get Bepper. I closed the door and got into my bed. I closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.

I was walking with Aparri to an amusement park along with Bepper. Bepper was beside Aparri looking around. I looked down at the ground sighing. I then turned around walked the opposite direction. They didn't really notice so I looked up and walked to a roller coaster. I stood in line for the roller coaster then someone tapped on my shoulder. It was Bepper. "Hey Mia, you walked away from us." I looked down. "Yeah.." Bepper lifted my chin with her fingers. I smile lightly as I felt her touch on my chin. That was when my world stopped. "Mia?" Bepper has kissed me and I kissed back. "Mia, I got Bepp- I GOT THIS." It was a long kiss "MIA IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP I WILL LEAVE"

I opened my eyes in excitement and I saw Bepper. I stood up which made my face lit up and I hugged her. She hugged back. "I missed you.." I sighed happily. I laid down and patted the spot beside me. Bepper crawled onto my bed and laid down beside me. I felt her arm wrap around my waist. "I will always be here for you." My cheeks turned a bright pink. "Should I go?" Aparri started to head towards the door anyway. We both nodded as we saw him disappear. We heard the hotel door open and close.

"So? How was your break from me?" I frowned remembering how helpless I was without her. "Helpless..." I lifted up her arm and I turned over to see her sparkling chocolate eyes. "Well now you have me again." She smiled as she slowly rubbed her thumb against my cheek. I put my hand over Bepper's hand and smiled.

"I love you Mia." I blushed. "I-I love you t-too Sarah." I yawned. "Looks like someone is tired!" Bepper poked my cheek which made me giggle. I poked her nose and smiled. I put half of my body under the blankets. "I'm gonna go to bed." I turned around and reached for the lamp. I turned off the light then I closed my eyes. I felt a arm wrap around my waist. "Good night bb." I smiled. "Good night" I soon fell into dream land

I am starting to feel embarrassed of this story.. Should I continue writing this story? Do you guys really enjoy this fanfic?

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