Part 3: Phil left?!

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The cab was already parking in front of our building. I saw from the window them putting in his luggage.
"Quite a big bag for a week innit?" -the driver asked.
"It will only get bigger knowing my guy's shopping habbits. "
The driver got it, Phil just smirfed. Then they drove past the building that leaned over me, me and him. Us.
5 days later Louise texted me saying he misses me and we should meet up.
"Phil left. The house is ours ahahha" I replied "Haha. Party time then xoxo"
< 1 day later >
I felt like a thousand dollars that morning. I put our Sims 4 gameplay playlist on. I never watch back my videos, only the collabs. It was very fun to see myself on video. But mostly to see him. l heard knocking on the front door. A panick attack type-of-thing came to my head: "It can't be Louise. Check your screen saver, u idiot." I thought
"Shit. sShit.. Shit."
I ran to the door. When I opened it the only thing l saw was gold and pink locks -and of couse a big smile locked into them in the middle.
"Hii" "
"Hello stranger"
I loved Louise. She was so honest, loving and acceptance. I could not wish for a better friend then her. We picked out some mugs while the tea was brewing, creating a great background sound.
"I'm glad you texted me. I kind of have some stuff to say." -I started.
"Why, what's up?" -she asked, shuving a hole gingerbread cookie in her mouth.
"Every straight is turning gay... All the handsome men.." -she chose a topic with weir
"Louise what the hell r u talking about? You are married."
"Please dont  say You and Phil are a couple now. Hah."
I stared in eyes, making long eye contact. I found this less awkward than just saying
"Oh my god. We re gonna need some margaritas if  sexuality is the topic today."
I smiled. Understanding friends. That was what I needed. Actually, she acted too
understanding. Almost like:
"You and Phil? Oh yeah I saw that coming."
We sat down, talking about it all. She was very supportive. She made me promise to tell her everything. She thought it would be best to only tell close friends, and leave it ike
"I think if you have that many projects to do you shouldn't tell the viewers at this point."
And she was right.
Louise was not the brightest person you are ever going to meet, but she
had a big heart. She actually helped a lot.
The party ended around half past 8. We watched some Disney movies at night.

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