The Argument

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"Jesus Sherlock you need to be more caring!"

John hissed slamming the door behind him after sherlock strode into the flat with his head held high, sitting in his leather black chair once again.

"That was caring, I told Molly the guy she's dating was blatantly gay and to call the engagement off"

Sherlock raised an eyebrow looking at John in confusion as John continues his almost death glare

"What? not good?"

"NO Sherlock, No that wasn't!"

John threw himself down on his chair rubbing at his temples with his fingers

"Why the bloody hell not?!"

Sherlock scoffed back at him as he stood up, picking up his violin and tucking it under his chin. ready to play if John gets too boring for Sherlocks liking

"Have you never socialised with other people!"

John spat looking straight up at Sherlock.

"You can't blurt out that you think someone's FIANCÉ is gay!"

Sherlock rolled his eyes turning around on his heels, looking down towards John

"Of course he was gay John. not even a woman keeps her eyebrows that taim"

A snicker escapes John's mouth, making Sherlock tilt his head in confusion. John stands up holding his walking stick

"You can't just brand him as GAY because of how 'taimed' his eyebrows are! You need more bloody proof than that!"

Sherlock gave his famous half smile before taking a piece of paper out of his pocket and shoving it into John's chest before turning on his heels once more and walking to the window

John opens the piece of paper before sighing. chucking it behind him. written on it was the number of Molly's fiancé with a 'x' at the end of it. Sherlock can't help the smirk making its way onto his face when he heard the paper hit the floor before the flat door swings open

"Honestly you two! I'm suprised the poor girl downstairs  hasn't come up here complaining about how loud you are"

Mrs Hudson walks in with a tray of tea and biscuits, carefully placing it on the table before passing Sherlock a cup, John brushes his hand through his hair nervously.

"I'm sorry Mrs Hudso-wait Sherlock never mentioned anything about a girl downstairs"

Mrs Hudson adjusts her cardigan  before shaking her head as she crosses her arms

"That's because I like her, she's quiet and I'd rather  you not try to get in her pants and scare her o-"

Mrs Hudson tapped Sherlocks arm before looking at John once more

"Ignore him John, he hasn't even met the girl. She's very sweet, even pops around for a visit sometimes..unlike some people"

She looks back at Sherlock and he tried hard to suppress a smirk from making its way onto his lips.

"You know I'm too busy on my cases Mrs Hudson"

She rolls her eyes before passing a cup of tea to John

"Thank you Mrs Hudson"

"Remember, I'm your land lady. Not your housekeeper."

Sherlock and John both grin as she walks out. As soon as the door closes John stands up

"I'm going to go pay the girl downstairs a visit. Come along"

He starts putting on his coat


I glare up at him, tilting my head slightly.

"Because there's no more cases today, and you need to prove you are 'caring' so come along"

I stay seated, putting my cup of tea down

"'re admitting I proved the Sherlock Holmes wron-"

With that I was up and already half way down the stairs, going towards 221C with John catching up behind me

I knock on the door to this mysterious womans' flat and wait

And wait some more

"Oh screw this"

With a barge of the shoulder the door opens and I come face to face with [E/C] Orbs. Orbs attached to a woman. A woman with a jungle of curly [H/C] hair just past her waist and a violin in one hand.

The silence seems to carry on for hours but lasts only near minutes before John butts in. Holding his hand out towards the woman

"Hello there, the names-"

"DR John Watson, ex Army doctor with some type of traumatic damage. What else would explain the need for a walking stick when there clearly is no leg injury"

My lips part slightly as I take a breath, still keeping eye contact with her

'Well that has never happened before...why can't I speak? SPEAK SHERLOCK SPEAK!'

"Oh God...not another one"

John places his hand on his forehead as she turns around walking into her flat before grinning

"The names [Y/N], and honestly Sherlock if you're going to stare like that I suggest taking a picture"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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