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"That's all for Day One at VidCon! See you guys tomorrow with a new vlog!" I smile at the shiny lens of my camera, then quickly close it.

I sigh, finally done with my work for today. Some people don't understand how hard vlogging is.

I walk over to the drink table, and take a lemonade off of the counter. As soon as I was about to take a drink, Amanda came up to me with a huge smile on her pretty face.

"Hey August! Wanna be in my Vlog?" She asks and I nod.

She opens her expensive camera, and turns it on. After saying "Hi guys!", she introduces me.

"This is my best friend August! But you all probably know her." She jokes and I giggle.

"So this is Vlog Day One at VidCon!" She yells loudly and immediately Youtubers behind us start cheering.

She smiles widely and then turns her camera off.

"Thanks." She says as she puts her camera back into her fancy bag.

"Anytime!" I say.

"Oh my Gosh! I forgot!" She yells and her eyes widen as I draw my eyebrows together in confusion.

"What?" I ask as she takes my hand running into a doorway.

"Mandy! We can't go out there!" I say stopping her from running outside.

"But there's a makeup booth.." She frowns and I laugh a bit.

I look around and see two bodyguards standing quietly at the back door, and I jester over to Amanda.

"We could maybe go with them?" I ask and she nods excitedly.

Even if I like makeup, I really want to see my fans. I couldn't wait any longer.

We both walk over to the guys in all black, and Amanda tells them what we want to do.

"Is the manager okay with this?" One of them asks and Amanda looks over at me with a worried expression.

"Yeah! It's cool." I say in a assuring tone and they nod.

They get on both sides of us and Amanda looks over at me.

"But, we didn't ask the manager.." She whispers, and I just shrug and mumbled 'whatever'.

We walk down a white hallway, and then we see two blue doors. The doors that lead to outside.

It was 1:34 pm, which was called "busy hour" for VidCon, and I knew they were going to be a lot of people out that door.

"Girls, stay with us at all times and if someone is giving you a hard time, tell us." The bodyguards say and we nod.

This was my first time at VidCon so I don't really know what to expect. All I know that there will be a lot of people waiting for us to come out.

They open the blue door and immediately people run over to us screaming.

"Oh my gosh it's August!" A girl screams and I smile and wave to her as she gasps.

All of a sudden crowds of people come up to us asking for photo's, and autographs.

One girl with a light blue dress comes up to me crying.

"What's wrong? Don't cry honey." I say rubbing her back as her friend takes a picture of us.

"I love you August!" Someone in the crowd screams and suddenly a ton more people run over.

We almost were trampled by everyone, and immediately Amanda tells me we should leave before it gets too crazy.

We try to walk to the makeup booth, but there were too many people, we couldn't even see the booth anymore.

"I think we should go back.." Amanda says and suddenly someone tugs on my arm.

"I love you so much!" People scream and then I nod to Amanda and we make our way back to the blue doors.

I say "Bye!" to some people but they still ask for pictures.

Once we go back inside the doors, we let out a sigh, along with the two bodyguards.

"Damn, you girls must be popular." One of them laughs and we do the same.

I look at the time and I read, '2:10'.

"Shoot! I'm late!" I yell and run backstage with Mandy running behind me.

"Late for what?" She asks and I tell her.

"My interview! It starts at 2:15!" I say quickly and she gasps.

I wave 'bye', and she does the same as I run to the next place I'm supposed to be.

I grab my purse from one of the chairs backstage, and then start running down a hallway.

My feet started to hurt, since I was wearing heels, and I stopped running so fast, looking at the time.


"Shit." I cursed and turned the hallway.

As soon as I turned, I hit into someone having myself stumbling backwards.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" The guy says extending a hand and I held it trying to regain my balance.

"Way to go, Ethan." His twin said besides him, shaking his head.

"It's okay. It was my fault. I'm really late to a interview.." I say and he smiles.

"I'm Ethan." He says as his twin rolls his eyes.

"And I.. have to go.. I'll see you later!" I say running away from the two boys.

He yells 'Bye!', but I don't mind it, and keep running to my extremely late interview.


First chapter! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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