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1 week later

" If you EVER need me my babies please tell me!" I hear my mum say while crying. Let me tell you what happened the past week. Since my mom was soooo worried about Jackson and Pilar's baby, she thought that she could just SWITCH Jackson into Dylan's pack. Of course. SO Mom made Dylan have TWO beta's or else I wouldn't be able to go with him. So he had Colton and Jackson be our betas. Great, right?! Note the sarcasm. The only GOOD thing about this is that Pilar and Neliya will be with me. YAY! I am really going to miss Hazel though. We have sorta became distant for a while. I have been hanging out with Pilar more. Me and her a getting closer.

" Yeah yeah yeah okay mom." I reply while hugging her.

" You would think your mother would want us to stay with her." Pilar whispers to me. Pilar has gotten a little bump since last week. Pregnancy's for werewolves only lasts about 3 months. Jackson is even MORE protective over Pilar now. Like seriously if ANYONE touches her he growls and goes from behind her and hugs her. She thinks it is sexy, but I think it is just rude. Pilar can protect herself. Seriously, it's not like I am going to hurt her or anything!

" Mother thinks that you will be more protected in Dylan's pack. His pack is the best pack in the world. He is the alpha king too. She wants the best for you and the baby." I speak truthfully, and Pilar nods slowly.

" I guess your right." She says and walks towards Jackson, who immediately puts his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist as well, and I see a glimpse of Dylan. I smile.

" You ready?" I hear him say near my ear. I nod. As we all say our goodbyes, we get into the limo( I know I get to ride in a freaking limo!) and head towards the place I will call home.





" Dylan stop! We are in a car not the bedroom!" I scold while giggling as Dylan showers me with kisses. I was sitting on his lap with his arms snaked around my waist. We were almost at Dylan's house, or so called my new home.

" Ewe. Either you and Dylan have had sex and he is really wanting too, or he is just really horny!" I hear Pilar say disgustedly, and I blush of embarrassment. Pilar's eyes go wide.

" You did?!" Pilar's eyes go wider. My face turns even darker pink. Dylan just smirks.

" OMG you did didn't you?!" Pilar squeals and Jackson groans. She pecks him on the lips.

" Stop it. If you thought it was actually disgusting you wouldn't do it. " She shushes him while I start laughing, and Dylan chuckles. Jackson pouts and crosses his arms like a child.

" She is still my sister! " He argues and Pilar puts her finger to his lips.

" Not another word mister or I will sleep in a different room tonight." He pouts even more and Pilar smiles.

" F*ck you" He murmurs. Pilar smirks.

" You did." Jacksons mouth pops open while I just die of laughter and Dylan laughs as well. Pilar closes his mouth with her finger to his chin. She pecks him lightly on the lips. The car stops and me and Pilar dash out of the car. My mouth instantly drops wide open as I see the house( Up above). It was beautiful! I feel Dylan's hands snake around my waist.

" Do you like it?" He asks. I bob my head up and down. Pilar grabs my hand and we run inside the house, with her dragging me in it.

" You are SO going to like it here." She says excitingly and I nod fast. Pilar and I run up the stairs, not waiting or caring that the boys were not even in the house yet. She leads me to an amazing jaw dropping room.

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