Mrs. Lucies Orphan Home

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{AN: Hello, guys :)
I'm here with a story about Simon Snow, the young magician. This idea is from the book Fangirl and Carry on, both by Rainbow Rowell. It's my first english book (I'm czech and I'm not sure about writing), so please forgive me some mistakes...
Enjoy your reading :).}

,Maybe hiding in the lavender patch wasn't the best idea' runned through Simon Snow's mind, while he was walking through the corridor in Mrs. Lucie's Orphan Home, where he lived mostly all his life. The sting, that some lonely and foolish bee left in his right arm, was really iritating. He was looking for Sister Nancy, the nurse. She won't be happy when he'll show the harm to her.
Finally, he found her. She was ruffeling through cupboard in the kitchen. "Sister Nancy?" said Simon shakily. "I have been stinged by a bee. Would you mind pulling the sting out and giving me a plaster?" When you talked to Sister Nancy, you always had to be polite and carefull. "Simon! You are kidding me, aren't you?!?" snapped Sister Nancy, when she saw Simons hand. "You're the worst child in this home. You are stupid and you always harm yourself. I'm starting to think you do it because you want me to go insane..." she muttered, while she pulled the sting out and desinfected the mentioned place. 'You old, annyoing witch'... That would Simon sad if he had enough courage... or be enough foolish. Sister Nancy was really powerfull woman; there were rumors that she once lifted Tony Spencer, poor boy, and threw him out from te window right into the cart of dirt. "Anyway," said Nancy and pulled Simon from his head back to our universe, "I was looking for you. You have a visitor". "What???" said Simon before he could stop himself. "YOU HAVE A VISITOR, you stupid boy! Are you deaf?" Snapped Nancy again. She was snapping mostly all day, exept for the time she spent by murmuring about all the bad and stupid children that lived in the orphan home. "What visitor? Who is it? Where is he from? Is he..." "Simon, I don't know. All I know is, that Mrs. Lucie said me I must find you. By the way, you should wash yourself up and find some better clothes, because the man looks very fine." she added by surprisingly nice and soft voice. Then, she finally sticked the plaster on Simon's hand and the operation was done. "Go, Your Majesty Mr. Snow, quickly, quickly, we don't have whole day. I'll be waiting for you in the hall."
Madame Lucie's orphane home was in the middle of Tounton, England. It was an old victorian house with lots of halls, rooms, bedrooms and bathrooms. It also had cellar, attic, basement and a big garden called Happy acres. Author of this name was probably very ironic. The garden was full of distorted treas that vere ready to be cutted down. Near the house vere some flower beds, that looked nice, but that was a feeble improvement of the spooky atmosphere. The visits weren't often, and when there was a visitor, it was some old, shabby aunt, that brought some sweets and went away to care about her cats. That was the cause if Simon's surprisement. He never had visitors. Never ever. That was impossible.
Ok, maybe it wasn't...
When Simon was finally showered and dressed, he left his room (or, to be correct, one of the rooms where slept all children together without even a little privacy) to found Sister Nancy standing in front of the door. "Simon, I said quickly. I suppose that my interpretation of 'quickly' is littlebit different from your's. So let's go. Mrs. Lucie must be nearly asleep by this time and..." in that point, Simon stopped listening and removed to his had: 'I wonder who is the visitor; I bet it is a man, Sister Nancy sad "he". Maybe it is my lost uncle, or even my father! That would be marvelous!!! He'll told me that he and my mum, they were too young to have a baby, and so they put me here, and now they wont me back. I'll live in a big house in the countryside and we'll have dogs and cats...' And so on. In the five minutes, that they spent walking to Mrs. Lucie's office, Simon thinked off the whole history of his family. A long list of fites, weddings, divorces and all the family members, too. He just started to imagine a big battle between his family and a dragon (to apologize him, Simon is eleven; the biggest space in his head is filled by dragons, fairies, elves, dwarfs and magic), when he realized that they are in front of the office and that Sister Nancy is knocking on the door. "Come in" responded a soft female voice from the office. Sister Nancy opened the door and Simon finally saw the visitor.
'WOW!' That was Simon's first thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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