Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Why so concerned? Worried you may have fucked up your own investigation?" —Money

Angel and I sat across the table from each other, but neither of our eyes met. Not a word was being spoken between us. The room was medium sized and there was a large mirror on the wall which I knew other people could see us through. The reality of the situation was now starting to settle in every time my handcuffs would scrape against the surface of my chair.

This was the worst time to pick up two people involved in multiple crimes together—when they weren't speaking. Especially when the two Feds who were questioning us were Michael and Capri. I couldn't be mad at Michael, it was obvious we never liked each other. Capri on the other hand had fooled me, really well.

"I know you want to murder me Carter," Capri suddenly says, sighing. I couldn't tell if he was mocking me or not. "And I know your capable of it, the way you hunted down those gang members and offed them so efficiently, is federal level shit. But you need to understand this is my job, it was nothing personal."

I guess he wasn't mocking me, I'm glad he knew what I was capable of.

"So, are you two ready to start talking?" Capri asks, writing something down on his notepad. Capri was sitting next to me and Michael next to Angel.

It's been two hours since we've been here. If they swarmed in on us like that it had to mean they had sufficient evidence to do that. Yet, here we were. Something was off, because they were looking for confessions instead of having us sitting in a jail, trying to find prisons to transport us to. The weapons I think, they couldn't find them. I don't know how, it wasn't in the most craziest place. It was in this little makeshift spot in the backyard. Buried underneath the flowerpot outside. It sounded complicated, but it was not. If they just lifted the flowerpot they would easily see the patch of grass wasn't attached to the rest of the lawn. The guns were in that little hole.

Angel stares at the table and I periodically glance at her. This technically was my fault, I had dragged us into this. Angel had been asking me to stop a long time ago, I was the one who kept going on. Trying to make more and more money. How could I be so stupid? How could I not see all the signs? How could I get us into this? How could I get Angel into this? I think to myself. A million and one things were swarming through my head and I had answers for none of them.

I wanted to tell Angel how sorry I was, for everything.

"So if you guys want a lesser sentence, which trust me you need...a confession to the murders you committed on tape would be beautiful." Capri says.

He got silence in return so he looked at Angel instead. "What about you? You want to start from the beginning of the list? Because it is an extensive list."

No one said anything so Capri chuckled. "You two are real funny. This whole Romeo and Juliet thing, it's cute. Let's just see how long you can keep it up."

He got up and started walking around the table. His shoes made a faint squeaking sound as he walked over to the corner of the room. He went rummaging through something and came back out with a large photograph. I could tell it was a picture of a dead victim, but I didn't look at it.

"Why'd you two kill him?"

I could tell he was starting to make Angel nervous, because she started fidgeting in her seat. Capri retook his seat, folding his hands on top of the table. He patiently waited, but after none of said anything, he took the photo and placed it in front of Angel. Unlike me, she looked down at it.

"I don't know him." She mumbles. I close my eyes and lower my head. She knew better than to even open her mouth. They were getting to her already. As soon as you acknowledged them, they knew you were listening to them and they drilled a hole into you until they managed to squeeze through like worms.

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