Chapter One- Usual Day

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"Rosa! Pay attention!" The teacher yells at me, as I lay my head on the desk.

I always hated school, it was a waste on my precious time. Daddy already had enough money to last me the rest of my life. Oh did I mention I'm a huge daddy's girl? That's one of the things I'm known for in this gross private school, being a daddy's girl who gets her way.

I'm not gonna lie, once my mother passed away I relied on my dad a lot. I grew very attached to my dad, him spoiling me was what made me, me. I'm always called an antisocial brat, which I am antisocial but c'mon, a brat? I wouldn't call myself that, but something else.

"Rosa-" I glared at her, my eyes showing disgust of the old lady. "It's Rosalina thank you very much. And I don't even need this crappy teaching. I already know all of this." I shot at my teacher,

     Ms.Brewis stared at me, "Missy your father will get a call on this."

     I rolled my eyes, "Cool. You really think that dumb ass-" She immediately cut me off.

"Detention!" I heard students laughing, and I all I could do is smirk.

    "Have a nice day Ms.Dickus." I said walking out casually.

I got in detention a lot more than I should, but it was all in great fun. My father would only ground me from my TV or some stupid shit. Being sixteen was harder than it looked folks. I was considered a popular in this school, apparently a princess. It felt like a mocking name, but it fit for them.

I always had boys asking me for my number, but I would decline if I wasn't interested. Some girls at my age were fucking all the time, while I was just virgin. I didn't care about the title, or the fact that someone hasn't stuck a dick into me. It wasn't something I cared about at all. I was just a girl who enjoyed watching some YouTube and eating some food. It's funny how I'm still the size I am, I should be ten times fatter if you ask me.

        "Rosalina Jameson, no surprise you're here again." The secretary, Mrs.George, said chuckling quietly.

           "Yeah yeah. Not my fault the teacher is boring. Plus I already know all she is teaching!" I snapped.

  "Ms.Jameson..If you want I'll try and get you into advanced classes?" She offered, and I smiled. I love women like her, ones who's are nice and considerate of others.

              "Really?" I said, my voice laced in excitement. All the hot boys were in the advanced classes,

         "Of course. Now Rosalina you know where to sit." I nodded, sitting down in one of the blue seats near her desk. I took out my phone, and started reading on this app called Wattpad. I loved that Mrs.George didn't care what I did, she just did her work and ignored me.
          "Detentions over Rosalina." Mrs.George said, and I nodded and left. I only had one period left, Science. That's where my crush, Dylan was. Dylan was cute, he had blonde hair, baby blue eyes, but he was a major bad boy. That's the only reason I don't like him as much. Rumor has it he did weed in 7th grade..and has already had sex. I have always wondered if it's true.

          "Rosalina!" Kenzie said giving me a hug.

      "K-Kenzie? What are you doing?!" Kenzie has had a crush on me since eight grade, I mean she's pretty and all but I aim more towards guys.

      "Since you're my bae!" She plants a kiss on my cheek, walking to her seat. She really is different, but special at the same time.

          "Whatever you say Boo-" I then saw Dylan staring at me, and I stared back. It was like I couldn't hear anything, it was just the two of us. I then shook my head, and sat down.  Awkward much?

I then thought about it, and my face was a blushing mess. I couldn't believe that just happened..Why was he staring at me to begin with? Did he think I was lesbian or something..or did me? No, that couldn't be it..

My mind focused on that the entire time, so I didn't hear anything that entire lesson..

"That's all the information for tomorrow's test!" Mr.Jensen said with a huge smile on his face, directing his attention towards me with a devilish smirk. He knew I wasn't paying attention, and I glared at him. I mean, I'm actually a good listener at other times, and I know a lot for someone my age. I sighed and left the class, for I was just excited to get home.

     I got into my locker, and got my bag out. I then kicked it close, and the students all just stared at me as they walked down the hallways. I really didn't care what people thought of me at this point, I didn't need them in my life. I smirked as I exited the school.

     My butler, James, was at the school to pick me. I opened the door, basically throwing myself in the car...I was exhausted.

     "I heard you got into another detention, Ms.Jameson." He said focusing his mirror on me. I gritted my teeth and nodded. He must've been the one who got the call instead of my father.

    "Yeah! The teacher was being rude, so I talked back. I don't see why she had to be mean to me in the first place." I said shrugging my shoulders. His expression was blank as always. As we drove home, I realized how tired I was.

      I just leaned my head against the car window, and closed my eyes for a second. Except, that second lasted longer than I thought, and I drifted off to sleep.


Ah! New story! I actually had this saved for a year, but I haven't finished it until now. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed it! I'm super proud of it so far :) please vote and have a good day! ~Em

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