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-Strawberry created the chat-

-Strawberry added Candy to the chat-

-Strawberry- Guess what?

-Candy- wut?

-Strawberry- You don't sound inthusiastic -_-

-Candy- WHUT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?~? (is dat better?)

-Strawberry-it's just fine

-Strawberry- anyways, so I met the new guys! Well, two of them at least...

-Candy- Yea? which ones?

-Strawberry- Jeremy and fritz, they are superty duperty nice!

-Candy- That's good, but why are you so excited?

-Strawberry- Because, Jeremy gave me a lemon flavored muffin! <3 omnom

-Candy- ooooookay? thats nice....

-Candy- can you add wolf to teh chat plz?

-Strawberry- uh, sure, why not!

-Strawberry added wolf to the chat-

-Wolf- wassup amigos?

-Candy- Strawberry haz a bf

-Wolf- WUT?

-Strawberry- Wut the wut?

-Candy- lololololololololololol

-Strawberry added chica to the chat-

-Strawberry- Chica?

-Chica- yesh?

-Strawberry- please go kill candy for me.


-Strawberry- Fine, I forgive you....

-Chica- Awwwww :(

-Wolf- Chica? Just go kill mike! He be super mean >:(

-Strawberry- You met him?

-Candy- Cool

-Wolf- no, not cool! He is mean... and smells....not good..

-Chica- So can I kill him???

-Strawberry- No killing new guyz!

-Candy- What about me!?!!??!?!

-Strawberry- you are not new, or a guy


-Strawberry- I rest my case.

-Strawberry- Your luckey tho,

-Candy- Why?

-Strawberry- because I need to finnish watching full metal alcemist and than watch some sailor moon :3

-Wolf- Nerd....

-Strawberry- Excuse me?

-Wolf- nothing!

-Chica- So I don't get to kill nobody???

-Candy- NO!

-Pizzaliver- Lol girls are so weird....

-Strawberry- Bonnie? How did you get here?

-Candy- oh and BTW your name auto corrected to Pizza*liver*

-Pizzaliver- Oh crap BRB

-PIzzaliver left the chat-

-Strawberry- well I'm done here.

-Strawberry disbanded the chat-

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