¡Senior Dares!

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Saris above👆👆👆
What do you guys think about dares? Do you love them? Do you hate them? Or Do you dispise them? In this first part I will explain to you what happens when you mess with the powerful game of truth or dare.....👏😈👏😈

Mannnnnn!!! I am so bored when will it be time to leave this shithole of place people call school. I mean come on some of this stuff is ways to hard for Me to function right now. And they wonder why adults never went to college.

Oh! you must be wondering who is talking at this very moment. I am Skylar Maria Hudson. I grew up in just a small town in Mcdonough, Meedsville.

"Yeah I know crazy name right?"

I am a senior at Pilsbury University. I make straight a's across the board. I know you must be wondering why I am complaining. Well honestly I have to work extra hard to get what I have even if it means writing a whole 1000 word paged analysis on the book Moby Dick.
My height if you must know is 5' 7' so I'm not one of those shortcakes that people adore in a story. I have Long Light Brown hair right to my shoulders with very dark eye( dark brown)an I have a medium tan, rosy cheeks, and plump lips.

I have a group of friends and we all liked to be called the weird sqaud.My group of friends consist of My one and only bestie Saris, Sarah, Jhonny,Jeremy,Chase,Quin. We've all known each other for a very long time.I have a pretty much normal but boring life.

Now since we're done with the introduction I am going to tell you about the Seniors Dare.


Here at Pilsbery University, my friends and I dicided to stay on campus because we all rather not deal with our parents for another four years of our life.

"!!!!!I mean come on really!!!!!"
"No offense Mom"

When class had finally ended I went to see what Saris was up to which probably by knowing her would be no good, but I still loved her any way.Saris and I have known each other a little bit longer than the others. Suprisely we weren't placed as roommates our senior year. As I was approaching her room, I heard the usual moaning of both Saris and her PlaymateMax.

Max and Saris has had this relationship for about two years now and I'm starting to wonder why they wont just call each other a couple because they hold hands like a couple, they hug like a couple, they kiss like a couple so honestly I really don't know and it's really known of My beeswax.

Now right at the door I slowly peeked through an saw that they haven't quite yet got to 2nd base yet so to stop the process I just simply walked in the room with no shame in the world an simply yelled


They both literally looked like they've seen a 👻.To be honest, I was laughing my ass off because I couldn't stand not to.After about a couple of seconds of regrouping they started throwing  pillows at me.

"What the freak do you want,we were kind of in the middle of something", says Saris
"Aren't you always in the middle of something horndog. Well any way I just wanted to remind you guys about the anual senior college dare between the group."I said

"Yeah Sky of course is that all?!?!"she said it a little fruastrated. Hey it seems like someone is a little sexually fruastrated.

"Be there at about 11:00 p.m. okay you guys can get back to it I'll just be on my way."

When I left the room I made sure to write a sticky note she could remember.

Wow making sure people are on time really make me hungry. Don't ask why I just am. Matter of fact I am always hungry.


11:00 P.M.

Finally the time has finally come for the senior dare!!My friends and I thought it would be cool to come up with an idea to end their senior of college with a bang.
Last year when we were juniors we went ahead and chose a place a an everything.
The meanings of the Seniors Dares is just like truth or dare but the dares have a lot more depth than what they are when you play as children.

Mannnn!!! That was the best lunch I ever had. I went to Sonny's if you don't know what that is it is the best barbeque in the town. Anyway back to the subject it was about time for the Dares to begin. The Senior Dares have 4 simple steps:

1. Gather around in a circle
2. Hold hands
3. Luck( prayer)
4. The Games Begin


Begining of the Dares

Let the Dares begin. We all gathered around in a circle.Then we all did a prayer hoping that we don't get a crazy dare.
Before we started we asked for volunteers of course all the boys egos got in the way so we all played rock paper scissors to see who we will truth or dare with.


Once the groups were made we all got down to business. So basically we all had to come up with a dare then we come back to a group circle and share the dare with everyone and your partner.

After about 20 minute...⏰

We all gathered back into a circle and started to share.
Saris told jhonnny that he had to 🏃 into a police office area butt naked saying "you'll never take me alive." Everyone looked at her like she lost her mind but of course Jhonny didn't studder. Him and his pride

Oh did I meantion that the Dares had to be performed the next night and if you don't do it you have to tell the whole college your biggest secret..

Jhonny wanted Saris to make out with another guy in front of Max.

After being entertain by the dares of My other friends it came down to both me and Max.
I dared max to walk up to a random guy an kiss him. It seems like I'll be six feet under after tomorrow.

😳Now finally it was my turn😥

After about an eternity, Max finally spoke he told me...
He told me that I had to get dressed up and go to the new hot night club that just called" FANGS". I know your thinking that not bad at all well this is bad. I haven't dated anybody since highschool and that boy broke my ❤.

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