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        "...witnesses of an apparent group of people dressed in green attacking Supyeongseon

Elementary School–"

"Turn it up!" Taehyung yells from the back of the car. Jimin increases the volume a bit.

"The entire school is on lockdown–"

"Oh crap." Jimin sees the exit and turns the wheel, tossing Taehyung and Hoseok.

"Ya!" Hoseok extracts himself from Taehyung. "What was that for?"

"Eun-Jung," Jimin manages through gritted teeth.

He swerves the car through a massive traffic jam, then gives up and parks the car. He unlocks the door and jumps out.

"Jimin! What are you doing?"

"I'll be right back, okay?" Jimin leaves the door open and runs in the direction of the school, mentally cursing himself. He hears Hoseok, Taehyung, and Yoongi run out of the car after him, Yoongi screaming something about "being too overprotective!"

Jimin reaches the school, then stops, gasping. He doesn't see anything out of the ordinary...but then someone screams in the back of the building.

Classes move out of the school quietly, onto the road that Jimin was on. One of the students, a boy, looks up at Jimin before whispering to the one on the right. "What if he's one of them?"

Jimin ignores them and looks up to see a flash of pink racing back into the school.

Oh crap.

Jimin runs towards the building but gets held back by a teacher yelling at him. He points to the building and says "My sister! My sister's in there!"

He runs around the teacher into the building–

–and hears Eun-Jung screaming.



Shaking. Shaking...

Stop the shaking...

"Hyung, we have to move."

Jimin opens his eyes to Jungkook's face. He sighs and Jungkook moves, giving Jimin room to sit up. They had fallen asleep last night on the log they were sitting on.

Jimin gets up and immediately looks around. "Where's my gun?"

Jungkook removes the rifle from his shoulder and hands it to Jimin. Jimin takes it, looking around.

"Hyung, I know where we are."

That catches Jimin's attention. He looks up at Jungkook. "Where?"

"My friends and I used to come here a lot to play. We made a massive circle." He points to the right. "You found me somewhere over there."

"You told us that you were from a big city, right?"

Jungkook nods. "Straight ahead is what is now called Haneul City. If we just keep moving, we'd reach there in a couple of hours."

"Do you want to go over there?"

"Yes. People usually come together in large cities because people like to stay in groups. The larger the city, the larger the group of people. The larger the group, the more chances of surviving."

Jimin nods in agreement. "That makes sense, but what if...they're there?"

Jungkook shrugs. "That's a chance we would have to take. Do you have any other ideas?"


"Then let's go to Haneul City."

"But what do we do once we reach?"

"I don't know. We'll have to see once we get there."

"If we get there," Jimin replies. "If we don't die before we get there."

Jungkook nods slowly. Then he looks up and screams, "Look out!" before diving to the side.

Jimin tumbles beside him, inches away from getting his arm sliced off.

Jungkook scrambles back up, pulling out his knife. He yells something, then runs to the attacker. Jimin grabs his rifle, which slipped off, and aims at the person with the sword.

The man grabs Jungkook's wrist–the one with the knife–and twists it so the knife falls out. He grabs the knife and shoves Jungkook backward. His back hits a tree and he sinks to the ground.

The attacker swerves around to face Jimin. He doesn't hesitate. He aims the rifle to the man's forehead and–


Jimin's hand wavers. He knows that voice from somewhere. But he ignores it. He steadies his hand and places his finger on the trigger.

No mercy. No hesitation. That's what's kept him alive.

"Jimin, it's me! Yoongi!"

Jimin's hand dips farther down. "Yoongi–" he raises the gun. "You attacked me."

"I didn't know it was you." He takes a step forward and Jimin puts his finger back. "Don't take another step forward."

Jimin hears gasps coming from Jungkook and turns his head. That's all it takes for Yoongi to leap forward and tackle him. He places his elbows on Jimin's arms and his knees on Jimin's thighs, pinning him down. Yoongi holds the sword inches from Jimin's face.

"Why...?" Jimin manages.

Yoongi grins–a sick, horrible grin. Two of his teeth are missing. "Where do you think I was all these years? Who do you think planned that attack on the school?"

"That was–"

"That was me. You see, we aren't...bad. We just...want revenge. All those years trapped in a lab, getting hurt and beaten and injected with sick stuff, then deposited to a mental facility–it really does hurt..." he taps his skull with his other hand. "It hurts this. And, finally being free to do what we want, we see you guys living a normal life, only dealing with what to wear in the morning and how you drove on the street. My brother–" Yoongi stops grinning. "My brother was killed in the lab! He was eight years old!" he yells. "Eight f*cking years!"

He suddenly stops. "So that's my story. I'm not interested in yours. To me, you're just another shitty, stupid, disgusting little thing fed by the government. The people that did this to us."

Yoongi raises his sword and Jimin struggles underneath. "Let me go!"

Yoongi only smiles. "Sorry. Can't. You'll be joining your new friend somewhere else."

Jimin sees a rustle of movement behind Yoongi and smiles. "Sorry. Can't."

Yoongi pauses, his eyebrows furrowing, trying to figure out what Jimin meant. But when he figures it out, it's too late. He looks down at himself, a knife poking through his stomach. His eyes roll up in his head and he collapses on Jimin.

Jimin pushes Yoongi off to see Jungkook standing over him, knife back in his hand. He looks at Yoongi, then Jimin, then his knife. Then he promptly collapses.

One Decision--A Jikook FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now