The Forgotten Contract [ON HOLD! Sorry...]

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Thanks for checking out my story ;)

I really hope that you like it!!!

I am not completely sure how this story is going to work out so please comment and vote telling me what you think about it!!! :D

Hope you like it!!!

(btw: this is based on when they are in eighth grade)


"How many times do I have to say no to you?" My hands clenched into fists at each side of my body. I was slightly shaking of fury. This boy steamed my clams!

"As many times as it takes you to say yes." Kyles wiggled is eyebrows at me and winked. He is seriously ruining my summer.

"Well I will never say yes! So you should stop right now, because you will never win!" I turned around to walk away, but it didn't work. He ran up and stood in front of me.

"Why! You are the only girl that won't go out with me in the whole eighth grade." I sent him a look that could kill and just heaved out a frustrated sigh.

"I don't want to date you, or any guy for that matter. I am going to be in high school next year, and I believe that is a better time to start dating."

"Well, the summer is almost up, so I think that you should start practicing." He winked at me once again and just held out his hand to me.

Maybe I should explain the situation some. My name is Sarah Briggens. I am 5'4 and I have naturally curly red hair. I have slightly big green eyes that sometimes change color in the sun. I have freckles that sprinkle accross my cheeks and nose and I am fairly skinny, or how some guys call me, chubby but I don't listen to them. I play some basketball for the girls team, I was a starter, but I didn't make a big deal, it was just a hobby.  Oh, and did I mention I am the only girl who will NOT go out with Kyle?

Then there is Kyle Hamper. He is the biggest player that I have ever seen and we just 'graduated' from eighth grade. He is about 5'5, maybe 5'6, and he is the star basketball player. Well, he was considering we will be in highschool when the summer is over. He has brown hair that falls in his eyes and blue eyes that some could stare at all day, but not me. Kyle has been trying to go out with every girl in his reach to 'practice' for when he is in highschool. He says that he wants to be the most poplar, and biggest player, by his senior year.

Now back to the situation. "I don't think I need practice. I can be the biggest player in high school if I wanted to." My stomped my foot like I was a child and just stared at him. He really makes my angry and I just hate it.

"Well, by the looks of it..."

"Oh don't even go there!" I slapped his arm and he just stared at the spot on which I hit him than he started to laugh. He laughed! How could he?!

"Nice hit." He winked once again at me. I swear, someday that eye is going to have twitch because of how many times he winks it.

"Bye Kyle." I waved by to him and just started to walk home. "Don't bother following me home! Meet me at this bench at noon tomorrow!" I yelled over my shoulder and just smirked when I started my way back home. I have a plan that will definately work.

When I got home I went straight to my laptop and started to type our my master plan.

I, Kyle Hamper, agree to never ask Sarah Briggens for four years. When we are Seniors I am free to ask Sarah out as much as I want no matter what she says. This contract is good and cannot be broken no matter the circumstances.

This contract expires the first day of senior year. Which means I, Kyle Hamper, may ask out Sarah Briggens as much as I want.

I printed it out and than went to write my own.

I, Sarah Briggens, is allowed four years of peace from Kyle Hamper, but when we are Seniors he is allowed to ask me out as much as he wants no matter what. This contract expires the first day of Senior year and cannot be broken no matter the circumstances.

I cannot deny Kyle when I am a Senior because the contract goes against that.

I sighed in satisfaction in my work. I am absolutely sure that this will work because I have a secret weapon against this.


"Hello Kyle." I smirked at him which caused him to slowly approach me. He looked at me careully before he relaxed.

"Ok, so you have no weapons so I think I am good. So did you decide that you actually wanted me?" I sighed with frustration and just shook my head.

"No, but I did come up with a solution to our little problem." I smiled and handed Kyle the papers.

"I, Kyle Hamper, agree to never ask out Sarah Briggens for four years. Hold up! Four years? What the heck?" He read aloud the first sentence. I knew that it was going to be kind of hard to get him convinced because of the whole four years thing.

"Yes, it is four years, but didn't you say yourself that you hope that you will be the most popular and biggest player in four years?" His eyes grew wide and he looked surprised that I remembered that, but he quickly hid his shock.

"Umm. Yeah. So what about the rest? So what does this mean?" He started to shuffle through the papers looking at my contract and going back to his.

"Well, it pretty much states that you are not allowed to come anywhere to asking me out or anything for four years and on our first day of senior year, you can start asking me out no matter what I say." Kyle started to nod his head slowly like he was thinking about it. His eyes brightened right before he asked another question.

"So, does this mean that you are going to have to say yes after the contract is up." My jaw slowly fell open when I thought of that... The way I put the contract makes it sound like I will have to say yes to him when it is up.

"Umm... I guess..." Wait, why am I worrying? Heck, I don't even know if I will ever see this guy again in my life.

"Well then. I like this plan. Hand over the pen." I handed him a bright red pen, the exact one that I used to sign my contract.

"Well, this is good bye for now." I gave him a quick side hug not wanting to catch any of his 'cooties' and just walked towards my house that had a truck already in the front.

"Wait, what do you mean good bye for now?"

"I am moving in a week to Florida. That truck over there is taking most of our stuff so we won't have to. My dad is already down there waiting for us." I smiled at him and just waved good bye. He looked at me like I just stole his talent of basketball and girls.

"That's not fair Briggs!" I shuddered at the nick name that he would always call me. He knew that the nick name Briggs just brings out the worst of me. It even makes me cuss, like I am about to do right now.

"You know what Kyle Hamper? You can kiss my ass!"


Now... I know that you probably didn't like where I stopped it, but I stopped it there because I didn't really want to write 'present' day yet :P

I hope that you comment and tell me what you think about it!!

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