Chapter 5: Step 2: Steal the laptop

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I hope that you guys like the chapter!! it was the quickest I have uploaded i believe! haha :) 


"Why the hell do you have black lipstick?" Dave was staring at it like it had cooties. 

"So we can put it on our faces. You know, under our eyes!" I put it on like the football players do sometimes and smiled. 

"You are such a child... Hand it to me!" He put some on also, just like I did, and I just laughed. Dave is an idiot, but I think that we are actually becoming close friends. I wonder when Kyle will realize that we aren't really going out. 

"Yeah, I'M the childish one here." I rolled my eyes that I couldn't hold back anymore.

"You are. Thanks for admiting it." He smiled at me, so I smiled back, but it was fake and forced.

I jumped in my seat like I just heard I was going to Disney World."The awkward chimpmunk is leaving his nest! I repeat the awk-"

"I heard you the first time." 

"I was just trying to make it like we were in the movies." He rolled his eyes and then closed them. Hm, strange. Oh wait! He is making his move! He is slowly opening the door. No he will see us!

BAM! "WHAT THE FUDGE MONKEYS WAS THAT FOR!" He held his arm from where I punched him. 

"Shhh! He will hear us!" I yelled whispered at him, acting like I did nothing.

"Who the fudge cares? You punched me. Now I am going to have cancer!"

"From me punching your arm? I highly doubt it! Now, I will explain myself. I had to distract you in some way because you were opening the door suspiciously and he would have seen you because he was still very close. Now that he is gone and you now have cancer, we can continue on with our lives."

Dave cocked his head to the side, confused about the big rant that I just went through, but I ignored his questioning eyes. I opened the car door like I was a normal person, on the other hand though, Dave opened it oh so carefully like there was a bomb that would explode out of sudden movements. 

"At least act like a ninja." He huffed while I laughed.

"I will when we are inside, but it is dark and no one can see us."

I ran up to the door and rang the doorbell. "How original. We are walking in from the entrance." He was right behind me and I almost jumped 10 feet in the air. Maybe he really is a ninja and I just didn't know about it.

"Hello Dave, hello-- wait! Are you who I think you are?" I cocked my head to the side and just looked at the strange woman in front of me. "Yes, yes you are! Kyle never told me that you moved back! I have to call your mom now! How is she doing?" 

"How do you know my mom?" The crazy woman threw her head back and laughed.

"You are really funny, Sarah, so really how is your mom?"

"Fine I guess... Can we come in?"

"Sure, but Kyle isn't here." I completly didn't think the plan through. He won't be here, so why would we want in his house?

"Well, Kyle wanted us to get something out of his room that he forgot to get us because all three of us are working on a project together." I sighed in relief when Dave finally decided to step into the awkward conversation. 

"Oh, ok. And if I may ask, why are you two dressed as ninjas?" Are cover has been blown!

"Halloween!" I blurted out and dashed upstairs. Hm, this house looks oddly familiar. Oh well.

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