Chapter One

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Lucy Heartfilia:

"Your hairs all sticking up funny," I played with my best friend's hair as small giggles escaped from my mouth.

"That's because you keep playing with it, stop!" Natsu was laughing, despite him trying hard to act annoyed. He couldn't fool me, and he knows that; I'm the only one here who understands him entirely, you could say I'm his weakness.
"Do you really have to go out today?" He asked me once he'd regained his posture.

"Yeah, I've been looking for a fun job for ages, and I've finally found one. I won't be gone too long though, I'll be back before it's too late. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten we are a team."

My best friend's smile had fallen, and was replaced with a solemn expression that sent mine scrambling into a frown. "You can come with me if you'd really like, I'm always happy to be with you." I smiled softly, and watched as Natsu's face lit up like a Christmas tree, but the smile was gone the instant it appeared.

"I can't, Makarov and Mira asked that I stay and help them decorate the guild in time for the summer festival. I really wish I could come. Maybe they'll let me get out of it!"

"Don't be silly, just come with me on the next one. I'll tell you all about it later, OK?"

"Okay then. When do you have to leave?" Natsu questioned as he stood up from his seat on the bench. The main hall of the guild was still rather quiet, being quite early in the morning.

"I'll probably head off soon, giving me an early start. That way I can be back sooner too."

"Lucy, are you off yet? There's a slight chill in the air this morning, I'd take a jacket." I turned to meet the eye contact of Mirajane, who was stood over toward the doors with the gentle smile she always wore painted onto her face.

"I'm just going now, and I will, thank you!" My smile reflected hers, and Natsu was handing me my small jacket seconds later. "Oh, thanks."

"You're welcome." His expression was bored, his loneliness already seeping through.

"I'll be gone for a few hours, you should spend the day with Gray or Erza, they'll enjoy hanging out with you. Please don't keep to yourself all the time Natsu, we care about you, you know." My hand found its way to his cheek, warm beneath my touch, and slowly reddening the longer I held it there.

"I'll try my best, but if Gray winds me up I'll knock him out." His lips were curved up into a smirk, and I knew at once there would definitely be a brawl later. Despite the noise, the mess, the arguments, and the bother the two of them cause on a day-to-day basis, the thought made me smile, and I felt glad to be friends with such great people.

"I'm rooting for you." I joked, and dropped my hand back to my side, before turning to walk out of the door into the morning air. But a sudden grip on my arm had me back inside.

"Promise me you'll come back."

"What? Of course I will."

"No I mean it." Natsu's expression was as serious as ever, and unwillingly my heart started beating fast with anticipation.

"Natsu, c'mon, we're not kids anymore. We don't need to do pinkies-"

"Please, just promise me."
The look that poured from his eyes and into mine pulled dearly at my heart strings, and I couldn't bare to see my best friend as anxious as he was right now. I raised my hand at the same time my lips raised into a delicate smile.

"I pinky promise."
Our pinky fingers embraced in a swift hug, and barely seconds later Natsu had pat me on the head and turned away.

"Have a fun day, stay safe Lucy." He called as he strolled towards Mira, who was carrying a bundle of banners and bunting. I couldn't help but giggle to myself; his insecure vows replaced in a click of the fingers.
Still smiling and my heart pounding, I made my way out into the world.

I'll tell you all about it when I'm home, Natsu. Just you wait.

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