Another Meal

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In an alleyway

???: Cilan, we are lost! Again!

Cilan: Sorry...

They both turn around and gasp when they see a vampire

Cilan: Dont worry iris! I will protect you!

Ash speeds toward the two and pull them in for a hug

Ash: Guys! Its been to long!

Iris: A..ash?! Is that you?!

Ash breaks the hug

Ash: The one and only!

Cilan: What were you doing here

Ash: oh, i was coming to feed, but im going to have to find someone else's blood to suck cause i would never drink you guy's blood


Ash: Yup!

The next morning

TV: George Hisenburgh was killed by thw Ketchum Vampire last night

Ash looks at the tv with a guilty face that looked hurt

Misty glares at Ash

Gary: Misty! Ash already feels bad enough about it! Your making him feel worse!

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