"Move, Loser"

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  Pulling up to Bullworth was still as terrifying as you had expected. You would be going to school here. Here, instead of the high school back home which was perfectly fine to you, just not to your parent(s). There would be a whole new sea of new people at Bullworth to meet along with new teachers and of course, new drama. You stopped thinking about the school year and grabbed your things from the vehicle.

  Once you're finally ready to head inside the school, you wave goodbye and the car speeds away. You pull out a map that you printed before arrival. Heading through the gates, you manage to find the office and grab your uniform. It's an ugly little thing, you prefer comfy jeans, perhaps some leggings, a nice t-shirt.

  "Eh, I guess it's not so bad," you think to yourself. You walk over to the girls's dorm, find your room, get changed, and get your things situated. There's a good half an hour until your first class so you decide to take a walk around campus to really take in your surroundings.

  While walking, you notice innocent students being shoved around and harassed.

  "Why are so many other students okay with this?" you question silently. As you're observing the students, your balance is lost when you bump into someone or as far as you know, something. You turn around to see another student rubbing his backside in pain.

  "Ouch, what was that for?" The student is slightly shorter than you. He's wearing his normal uniform but with pink sleeves.

  "Ohh you're new, right? Hi, I'm Pete Kowalski," the boy says shaking your hand. You smile and introduce yourself.

"Hey ____. Has my friend Jimmy given you a tour of the place yet? That's usually his job around here for some reason," Pete said. You slightly tilt your head in confusion.

"Who's Jimmy?" you ask Pete. He sighs and says, "Come with me." You follow Pete into the boys's dorm. When you enter, he leads you to Jimmy's room. There are two guys in the room. One who is slightly taller than you with a muscular, yet chubby build. Then another who is taller than the other two and has a more 'fit' appeal to him than the first, has the bottom of his head shaved, and a scar on one of his eyes. They're saying things of "taking over the school"? which you don't understand but you quietly and shyly stand in the doorway anyways.

  "So once we take over all the cliques, I...I mean we, will rule the school!" The boy with the scar shouts.

  "Gary, I already told you, I don't want the school." The other boy responds.

  You run Gary's name through your mind and think silently, "Gary's actually really hot." You giggle out loud causing the three guys in the room to turn and look at you. You go dead silent and start to blush.

"Pete, why did you bring this bitch here?" Gary scoffs. "And why is she blushing like that?" The fact that Gary points this out to everyone in the room only makes you blush harder.

  "Hey leave her alone, man. She's new," The other boy said. Gary approached you slowly. He now stood right beside you, leaning one hand on the door frame and the other on his hip.

  "Oh, and how is Bullworth treating you?" Gary asked with a smirk.

  "I g-guess it's fine so far," you squeak out.

  "That's great!" Gary says sarcastically. "Because it's all downhill from here, friend." Gary pushes himself off of the door frame and takes a few steps towards the center of the room.

  "He's only kidding. I'm Jimmy by the way. You are?" Jimmy asks you.

  "Oh I'm-"
  "It doesn't matter, Jimmy. She's just another slut around here so what's the point in getting to know her?" Gary blurts out.

  "Do you ever shut up?" Jimmy growls, approaching Gary menacingly.

  "Relax, tough guy. I was only asking a question. Why bother pretending to like this girl if she'll be useless in the end anyways?" Gary asks Jimmy.

  "Because normal people like me are able to be kind to someone else. Sociopaths like you can't really do that," Jimmy said, crossing his arms.

  "Whatever, moron. And I'm not a sociopath, I'm a genius," Gary said as he shoved past Jimmy.

  "Move, loser," Gary spat pushing you aside.

  "Good riddance," Jimmy huffed. He looked at you up and down.

  "You alright? I know Gary can be-no, is a jerk. But that's not fair to you," Jimmy said apologetically.

  "Yeah, Gary's a really rude guy," Petey chimed in.

  "No, no, it's fine. I actually um..." you chuckle. "I actually think he's really attractive," you say with a smile. Jimmy and Pete both have the same expression on their face; a mix of disgust and shock.

  "Augh you like that maniac?" Jimmy asked, repulsed. You nodded. Jimmy shook his head and walked to the door.

  "Come on, we should be getting to class. You shouldn't be late on the first day," Jimmy said as he walked out of the room with Pete following him. You hurriedly followed behind them. Jimmy and Pete walked with you inside of the building. Pete went to his class, and Jimmy continued to escort you to yours. 

  "Well, here you go. Have fun in chemistry class," Jimmy said with a slight chuckle. You smile and reply, "You know you didn't have to walk me all the way here right?" Jimmy shrugs. He waves goodbye and you head into class. 

  As Jimmy turns away from your class, he collides with Gary.

  "Hey man, watch it," Jimmy says to Gary. Gary pushes Jimmy against the lockers and glares at him.

  "You really think you can have that whore to yourself?" Gary seethes. 

  "What are you talking about?"Jimmy questions, confused. Gary tightens his grip on Jimmy, losing his patience. 

  "Don't play dumb with me. I know you like _____. But guess what, pea brain? She's mine," Gary replies with a scowl. "She's so innocent and naive, perfect for someone like me." Jimmy kicks Gary's legs out causing him to fall to the floor. 

  "Listen Gary, I don't like her but there's no way you two will work out anyways, so quit dreaming," Jimmy says and walks to his class. Gary gets up, still angry. He decides to skip class and head back to the dorm for some scheming. He's determined to claim you as his and get revenge on Jimmy no matter what it takes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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