Caspian: The very first thing that came into his head when he saw you for the first time was: "She would be a great queen! She would be a great queen... for me!".Peter: When he saw you for the first time, he thought you were too young, he thought you were a kid, because you look a little bit younger. So he felt bad with himself for feeling attracted to a "child". But when he knew your age, he felt better (and free to chase you!).
Edmund: "She's weird!!" was somehow his quickly first thought when he saw you for the first time. But then, his thoughts changed a bit. "She is weird. But I like it! ... A lot!"
Eustace: He couldn't have nothing in his mind right after seeing you for the first time. He couldn't think anymore. His mind collapsed. [ he was enchanted ^.^ ]
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Huge thanks to PsychoticMess for giving me this idea ^.^
Narnia Preferences
Fanfiction\\ n a r n i a p r e f e r e n c e s // * Maybe, there will be some AU * [If you have some idea of preference, just put in the comments]