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I had missed about 3 periods.

I did care about school but I wasn't thinking straight with all the pain.

I walked into my 4th period slightly limping but nobody seemed to notice that.

People didn't really care about me at school and sometimes not even at home.

He had made everyone in the building, even the teachers, believe that I was slut and that none should interact with me.

I took a seat on the chair connected to my desk and I finally felt relieved that I didn't have to be up and walking, that also meant that the pain could lessen a little.

The lesson had started when someone walked in.

It was him.

He never really did care much about rules.

He never really cared much about anything if I was being honest.

I put my head down while he took the seat behind me.

The teacher didn't say anything about him being late.

His parents were rich and the school couldn't afford to lose all the money that came from his family.

That also meant that he got away with anything and still had good enough grades to compete in sports.

" did you miss me? "

Although I couldn't see him I could practically feel the smirk that he always wore.

" when I talk to you I expect you to reply back" he said with a threatening tone I had heard way to many times.

I didn't talk much.

I only talked when I had to.

I felt his hands push my long locks to the side and his long fingers took a hold of the back of my neck.

" my little lovebird "

He squeezed my neck and it heart so much that tears threatened to spill out of my eyes.

God heard my prayers because the next minute the loud bell rang signaling that it was now time for lunch.

" next time you know to reply " he said letting go of the hold he had around my neck.

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