Hello My Sweet Ex

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Ayra p.o.v

I turn to look at Kaylia. She moved her head to peer at me behind her bangs. "Kaylia can you do me a big favor" I asked. "Yes sis" she answered. "I need you to stay here and wait for Ash. Please don't move and don't worry" I said. She nodded and began to play with her hair.  

I got up and made my way towards the door. Flashes of the past to where he beat some guy crossed my mind.

I didn't want this kind of guy to be near my sister at all. My skin crawled as I could feel him following me. I went outside and around the corner away from people. I stopped in a empty shortcut street. Wind blew some trash around and I turned.

In front of me stood the one person I never wanted to see in a while. "Josh" I said. He smiled at me showing canines. "Ayra my little spit fire" he said. "Hello my sweet Ex I'm not yours no more" I said. He chuckled stepping forward more. I stepped back thanking the gods for both ends of this street to be unblocked.

I moved quickly to my left getting around him. He stopped me by grabbing my wrist and tugging me closer to him. Pulling my other hand I stopped my self from colliding with him. "Let go" I growled. "No. I want you" he whispered. "You had your chance, and I don't give out seconds" I said. "Oh really" he said smirking lowering his face.

Ash p.o.v

I order the food and went back to where Kaylia was sitting alone. I set the stuff down and turn towards Kaylia. Tears brimmed her eyes and I lowered myself to her level. "Where's Ayra" I asked.

"There's was a man starring at us, so sis went outside and he followed her. I want my sis back" she said with tears falling down. Looking around I saw one of the mothers from the pack. Grabbing Kaylia hand I moved her towards her.

"Lily can you watch Kaylia. Ayra gone missing" I said. She nodded taking Kaylia who looked at me. "I'll get her" I said. "Promise" she asked. "Yes" I said. I walked off outside taking in a breath. I could hear her close by and the smell of blood lingered. Turning to the empty street there stood Ayra with a bloody arm and a angry looking Josh.

Ayra p.o.v

As Josh lowered I knew what he was doing. A force marking and in a attempt to stop him I trusted my arm up and he bit it instead. Blood began to trail down my arm as I yanked it back. I hissed in pain as he just licked his lips.

"Bastard" I said. He moved again and I connected his face to my foot. He went back and yelled in pain. Ash scent suddenly came. Turning I saw him looking down the street. Once he saw my arm and Josh his eyes darken.

Ash was the only one I told about Josh and how he treated me. At first he was ready to ripp his throat out, but I talked him out of it. I didn't want anyone involved till Josh went to far and ended up doing something really bad.

Josh smelled him to and looked between us. I went to walk towards Ash, but Josh growl had stop me. I froze unable to move. Damn these Alpha tones and authority. "Come" Ash said and I was able to walk, but before I could reach him a hand wrapped around my neck making me freeze yet again.

His arm began to wrap itself around me pulling me closer. My first reaction was to grab his arm and to pry it away. My body laid flushed against him as I struggled. "Josh let her go" Ash said moving closer. My arm began to throb a  bit from the bit mark. I gritted my teeth moving away from him. His grip tighten to where I was in pain.

Josh paid no attention to Ash as he went and sniff my hair. My body stiffen when he nipped my ear lobe. I stomped on his foot not wanting this and he yelped. Elbowing him in his stomach he lurched over in pain. I ran from him to Ash's' open arms. He hug me tightly as Josh rose. Josh made a snarling sound, but he ran off?

Ash sighed pulling me back away from him. "You okay?" he asked. I manage a nod and look at my arm. Blood caked my arm as it dried. I hissed in pain as I turn my arm. "Lets get that taken care of" he said.

We walked back to his truck as Kaylia gasped when she saw me. Wrapping my arm up I gave Kaylia a reassuring smile. We left the donuts palace dropping off Kaylia at the elementary. Something tells me today is not going to a good day.

We pulled up at the high school parking lot. I could see the twins' car. Jacob was scarfing some burritos down as the twins ate there in a civil way. We parked by them and I grabbed my Pigs. Getting out I grabbed my bag and sat on the tail gate. Skyla made her way towards me and when she saw the bandage her face darken.

"What happen?" she asked coldly. Looking over my shoulder for Ash to save me, but he was speaking to some of the pack members. "Josh" I muttered. After that horrible day I told the others what had happen between us.

"Bastard" was all she said. I smiled and ate my pigs.


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