the bus guy.

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I opened the door not knowing what to exspect. I walk into the classroom and up to the teachers desk. "hi can I help you?"  "umm yeah.. my names marissa I'm new here..."  "oh ok you can go on and have a seat right there." she said while pointing to a desk. I walked over to it and sat down my stuff and put my head down. I heard the classroom door open and a figure walked into the room.  "your late mr.walker..."  the teacher says to someone. "yeah whatever.." a familiar voice snaps back. Where have I heard that voice from? I think I it can't it?  I lifted my head to see who it was. It was the hot guy from the bus. He walked over to his desk in sat down right behind me. I started having a panic attack. The guy I like sits right behind me. The teacher walked up in front of the class and starts teaching. I couldn't focus, I kept thinking about the guy. The teacher also mentioned something about a project that was due on Friday and I have to be partners with someone random in our class. I'm just praying I don't get the guy I like. Seconds later the teacher made us all go up to the box on her desk and pick a piece of paper out of it and whoever's name was on it was your partner. I walked up to the box grab the paper and send back down in my seat. I unraveled it and read the name kayden. I also wonder who it was. Well they like me? Will I like them? My thoughts were interrupted by the teacher calling my name. "marissa can you come in front of the class and read the name on ur paper please?" I froze and silence filled the room. I stood up and walk to the front of the class. "kay...kay...kayden?" I manage to stuble out. At that very moment I see the hot guy stand up and walk towards the front where I was. I felt my heart drop into my stomach and I couldnt move or talk. After I had my panic attack he was standing next to me in the teacher started talking again. "ok class marissa and kayden are partners thanks for being a good example you two." after she dismissed me and kayden we grab the article she gave us, found a spot in the room and sat down. As I was going through the article I felt kadens eyes glaring at me. it was very akward and I didn't know what to do or say. "hey what's your name again?" he asked with a smirk in his face.  "marissa...marissa Samuels." I say back with a tiny smile on my face.  "oh ok are you new here I never noticed you in the classroom?"  "yeah todays my first day here. "    "sooo how are you liking it here soo far?" he asked while tapping his pencil. "ummm I guess its ok."   He laughed and asked me some more questions. his laugh was perfection. we worked on the article some more and then bell rang.


"well that's the bell." he said as he flipped and fixed his hair. he reached out his hand and grabbed mine to help me up. "thanks." I say as  I gather my stuff. "don't mention it, I'm just a friend helpin another friend." he says playfully. holy chese cake... he thinks I'm his friend.  "who do you have next?" he askes with his head tilted.  I handed him my schedule and he glazed through it for a second. "oh you hav mr.bryan I know where that is, you want me to take you there?"  "omg yes please!!"  "ok come on."   we started walking and we turned into the long hallway. he had a mini conversation and started talking about random things. then we finally approached my class. "alright there you go Marissa."  "thanks kayden."  "yeah your welcome." he said with a tiny smerk on his face. he winked at me and walked down the hall. after that class was over I went to my locker to gather all my stuff. Moments later I figure appeared behind me. I looked up and saw magen standing there waiting for me. "hey Megan"   "hey Marissa."  "are you ready to go?"    "yah lets go."   I threw my backpack on my sholders and started walking towards the bus stop in the front of the school. we approached the stop and started waiting for the bus to come. I pulled ouy my phone and went on instagram. as I was looking through the pictures on the homepage the bus rolled up and megan and I and some other kids start to get on. right before I was about to get on the bus I heard someone screen name far away behind me. "MARISSA STOP WAIT!!!!" I turn around to see kayden sprinting towards me. I giant smile grew on my face. kayden finally approached me huffing and puffing taking in gulps of air between each word. "' you me later....for the project."  he reached into his pocket and handed me a piece of paper with his number on it. he smiled at me and said "ok I gtg I have football practice ill see you later."  "ok bye kayden!!"  "BYE!!!" he yelled back as he ran back to his football team. I turned around and got on the bus. the doors closed behind me and the vehicle started to move. I walked over to where megan and sitting and sat down. "who's that guy you wer talking too Marissa?"   "oh that's kayden, hes my biology partner." "oh well hes hot..."   "omg yes I know right!!....oh I mean he's ok.."    I didn't want megan to know I liked kayden knowing her, she would tell the whole school I liked him and my life would be over. I glared back down at the paper kayden gave me. his hand writting was perfection. Everytime I think of him I get butterflies in my stomach. Its like there's something about him that makes him different from all the other guys. Maybe it's too soon to tell but I think I love him. Finally the bus approached my street. The bus doors swung open and Megan and I stood up. we got off the bus and we went our separate ways. "well bye megan!!" I yell in sarcasm.  "oh sorry by Marissa!!!"  I chucked and walked back to my house, stuck the key in the door and went inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2013 ⏰

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