Open House

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Yep! I'm not in school yet, but I am going to the Open House in my school tomorrow! I already have a new Pokemon Gengar backpack and I think I have my first day of school outfit picked out

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Yep! I'm not in school yet, but I am going to the Open House in my school tomorrow! I already have a new Pokemon Gengar backpack and I think I have my first day of school outfit picked out. School starts on August 29th.. I normally would be upset summer is ending, but I'm actually kinda looking forward to school since I've been stuck in my house all summer and it's boring. Also kinda scary since my mom came from work early today and the guy who threw the rock in my dad car came back on his bike...

My dad drove over to the guy and found him, we almost ran the man over but we're not rude and violent peeps. Turns out the man is crazy in the head and thought we were doing voo doo on him n' shit. So many weird things have been happening in the neighborhood, and the neighbors told us that a few days ago when we were gone, this man shot a dog..

I remember seeing that dog roaming around the neighborhood since the owner always let the dog go and it would come back to her..

I kind of wanna move out of the neighborhood but I don't think we'll be doing that anytime soon.

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