Chapter 15

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Leslie POV

"Cole no they rant your fans hate me 5ers hate me!" I say about to cry

"Leslie what if we show my fans that it not your fault." Cole said

"Like what" I say

"I was thinking a cover like some of our fans wanna see." Cole said grinning

"I like the idea but what song" I say

"Well I think the Taylor Swift and Ed Shreen Everything Has Change will sound amazing with your voice and mines" Cole said

"I like it so I'll get Taylor and you get Ed part"

"Okay we should record it and post it today" Cole said

"Ya okay and can I play the guitar while singing it too?" I ask

"That will be great, I'll go get the camera" Cole said going to get the camera, Cole place the camera in front of us

"Ready?" Cole ask

"Ready" I say back

"Hi everyone it Cole and I have the amazing Leslie singing a cover with me today and it Everything Has Change by Taylor Swift and Ed Shreen" Cole said to the camera

"Hi everyone hope that you will enjoy this cover" I say to the camera

Leslie part

"All I knew this morning when I woke is I know something now, know something I didn't before and all I've seen 18 hours ago is green eyes, and freckles and your smile in the back of my mine making me feel like

I just wanna know you better, know you better,know you better now

I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now"

Cole and Leslie part

"Cause all I know is we said hello and your eyes look like coming home all I know is a simple name everything has changed all I know is you held the door you'll be mine and I'll be yours all I know since yesterday everything has changed"

Cole part

"And all my walls stood tall, painted blue but I'll take them down, take then down and and open the door for you"

*sings rest of the song Leslie gets Taylor part Cole get Ed part*

"Wow we did good" Cole said watching the video "and you didn't mess up on the guitar!" he said all proud of me

"Ya I didn't and we did really good it was my first time posting a cover without Karlie in it" I say

"Well you did great" Cole said while posting it "and look at the comments there saying good stuff about you like Leslie is an amazing singer, you guys sound good together. I think they don't hate you no more Leslie" Cole said

"I think that too" I say laughing witch made Cole laugh too

Karlie POV

I was in Dana room me and him are about to watch Leslie and Cole cover "Wow they sing amazing together they so need to go out" I say to Dana

"Ya but it might not be the best idea because he just broke up with Cassidy and Cole and Leslie need more best friend time" Dana said

"Ugh why is everything complicated?" I ask Dana

"Our relationship isn't complicated" Dana said kissing me in the cheek

"Ya for right now what will happen if we go on different tours?" I ask

"I will always love you no matter where we are separated or together" Dana said kissing me on the cheek again

"I love you too" I say back to Dana

"I'll always love you Karlie" Dana said kissing me on my lip with so much love but it was getting heated me and Dana was about to have a make out session till Will came in and ruin it

"Wow keep this place PG" Will said laugh and me and Dana face turn all red

"Get out" Dana said to Will

Ariana POV

Will came in with a shock face "What happen Will" I ask him

"I entered a room where a make out session was about to go down" Will said with a scared face

"Sucks for you it must have been horrible" I said laughing

"No laughing it not funny" Will said all serious

"It is funny Will" I said to him but next thing I know is that I'm push down on the bed and Will started tickling me

"Now this is funny" Will said tickling me and I can't help but laugh

"WILL STOP PLEASE" I say laughing so hard

"Not till you say sorry" he said tickling me it starts to hurt


"Now that what I wanted to hear" he said letting go of me

"Okay but it was funny" I said to him again

"Fine you ask for it" Will said tickling me again I'm laughing so hard what happen next when Will was ticking me he kiss me and stop tickling me

"Ariana I love you" Will told me and I just put on the biggest smile I can and kiss him

"I love you too Will" I said and we kiss

Alex POV

"Gabe come sit next to me" I said

"Okay Alex what do you wanna do tonight?" Gabe ask me

"I wanna watch the movie The Dark night Rises" I said to Gabe knowing he will get excited

"You know me so well Alex" he said putting on the movie and kiss me

"I know it because I love you" I say to Gabe

"I love you so much Alex" Gabe said kissing me

"Do you wanna watch the movie or kiss me" I ask Gabe because I see the movie start

"I think I'll go with kissing you batman can wait and that means I really love you because I barley say that Alex" Gabe said making me laugh

"Well I guess were gonna say bye to Batman" I say laughing

"Okay well bye Batman hello Alex" Gabe said witch made me laugh and he started to kiss me with so much love

Madison POV

"Dalton come with me outside" I say to Dalton

"Okay beautiful" he said making me blush

"What do you wanna do outside Madison" he ask me

"Well it a beautiful night" I say back

"Well Madi will you dance with me" he said grinning

"Let me think about that" I say making a thinking face "I'll think I'll go with yes" I say to Dalton who takes me hand we dance for a couple of minutes and Dalton started to kiss me

"I love you so much Madison up and down I'll be here for you" he said

"I love you too Dalton" I say and we kiss with so much love outside

Leslie POV

I see that Jill wants to see all of us for important information we all go downstairs to see her I see Dana and Karlie together Will and Ariana together holding hands I wonder what happen with does two and I see Gabe and Alex together and Dalton with Madi coming inside

"I have news about Leslie and Karlie, and about the tour" Jill said looking sad

I know Dalton a Madison aren't together but in this story they are okay

And tell me what you think about my story don't forget to comment and vote


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