party poopers

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Grey and I are perfect together even though Elsa and Paige are always trying to ruin our relationship.
Kyle was in Canada and I am in Australia for our Universities. Kyle graduated last year and I am graduating this year.

Grey and Bi are here along with my family members , luckily the Mona's left when Jane told their parents they were spoiling my relationship with JJ as I now call him.

I put my white mini dress on and my heels. Then a did my make up. And put the gown and cap on

"Daddy I need to talk to you. " I screamed. He came in immediately.

"Dad, when JJ and I are married we are going to move to our own house. I don't want you freaking out. JJ loves me and I love him. We both love Bianca , it's only normal for me to grow up and move away you know. I just want you to understand." I finished.

"I do understand and I am happy for you. It's just normal for a Dad to wanna keep his daughter forever. I just hope you know what you are doing. I am always here if you need help. Just do me a favor and remind Jameson Grey that if you so much as have a scratch on your body he is dead. I am not joking." Dad had on a serious face.

"Okay" then we hugged and ran downstairs.

(After the Graduation)
(The next Day)
"Mommy, Daddy," I heard my Bi screaming in terror. I ran out just in time to see Jane hug her and stop Bi from crying. "What happened to you baby." Jane asked.

"Nana I fell down the steps." she cried.

"Aww sorry. Do you want some ice cream."she spoke.

"Yes pwease." She screamed.

It's 7:00 and I was trying to get dressed when JJ came in and pushed his face into the crook of my neck

"You smell like a rose bush. I love it. "

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