Chapter 6 - Impossible

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Chapter 6


A few weeks had passed, since the funeral and healing Marvin, and it had been a few days, since Alexis had finished the small memorial. Getting up a little early, she went for an early morning walk in the woods behind the house. She'd been so busy with everything that she hadn't been for a walk in the woods in months. Her parents and her used to go for a walk every morning, when they were all three home, and she had kept up the tradition for the most part, until she was too busy with arranging the funeral, healing Marvin and planting flowers.


As she walked the trails, she thought over all the things that had happened in the past few months. 'I wonder how Mae's doing. She was so cute. … I wonder what the old mans name was. … I wonder how Marvin is. … I wonder who sent those flowers here and how they got my cell number.'

When she stopped to sit on her favorite rock pile, she heard a strange sound. It sounded like a hissing gurgling wheeze. She glanced around, trying to find the source of the sound. That's when she saw him and shuttered in horror.

A few yards from where she sat, a familiar yet unfamiliar man laid on the ground. He had been torn to pieces and was barely alive. With the horrifying sight of him, her instincts took over, and she did what she felt inside to be right. As she hesitantly picked up his limbs and carried them to his body, she heard herself say "It's okay. … I'll make you better. …"

As she carefully placed his limbs in their proper spots, she held each of his limbs in place with her hand over the seems and concentrated on the skin, bones and muscles. As she did, her body took on his wounds. It was different somehow, harder. Almost as if she could barely keep her concentration. As she reconnected his limbs, her body ached and quickly became weak, but she didn't want to stop, until he was whole again. As she healed him, her shoulders and hips bled and felt disjointed, but she wouldn't stop. She healed herself after she reattached each limb, but she couldn't stop herself from gasping in pain each time. When his body was whole again, he was still to weak to move. Feeling and somehow knowing that he still needed something, she carefully cradled his head in her lap and whispered "What else can I do?"

Barely audible, he painfully rasped "Blood."

In a rush, she nervously said "We'll have to get you to a doctor. You're going to have to try to walk with me. I can't carry you, but I can try to support your weight. Come on. I'll help you up." As she reached over him to sort of hug him and help him up, he put his arms around her. One over her shoulders, and one around her waist. As she tightened her hold on him, he did the same. Before she could get a footing, she felt a sharp pain in her neck. 'He bit me?! ...' She thought and realized what was happening. She could feel he was still in so much pain, but, instead of trying to pull away from him or push him away from her, she held him tighter to her and concentrated on his pain. As she did, she felt a dryness in her throat so harsh is was beyond words, but it was nothing compared to reattaching his dismembered limbs.

When the pain evened out, she quickly thought 'Heal him!' As her pain became blinding, his grip tighten, and it sounded like he groaned and felt like he shuttered. As soon as she felt he was no longer in pain, she immediately concentrated on herself and thought 'Heal!' His grip tighten, again, and she heard him groan and felt him shuttered, again, too.

Alexis realized what he must be but had trouble believing it. 'Vampire?! … It can't be. … There has to be some other explanation.' But there was no other explanation. As crazy as it sounded to her, she quickly thought 'Heal everything except my neck.' She repeated this to herself over and over, until she felt no pain other than her neck. As she became weaker and weaker, she realized he was draining her. Falling dangerously close to unconsciousness, she thought 'Blood. I need more blood.' As she repeated this thought, she slowly felt herself become less light headed.

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