Chapter 1: An Intriguing Tale

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The sun hit my eyes and I awoke.

I squinted in the light and saw my father, Elrond, opening the curtains.

"Father, I groaned, must I be awoken this early?"

He sighed and replied, "Yes my daughter, the council meeting starts in 10 minutes. I need you there and prepared."

"Yes Ada, I understand. I'll be down in 5 minutes."

He smiled and walked over and patted my head.

"A good girl you are."

"Don't you forget it." I called after him as he walked out the door.

Groggily I put on one of my nicer dresses, and contemplated the events that caused this meeting to take place.

A couple nights ago, my sister Arwen came rushing into camp with a hobbit. I saw her out my window and ran out to her. I sensed something was wrong before I even knew they were here. When I laid my eyes upon him I knew.

He had a certain evil radiating from his form, and his eyes were glazed over. I had the overwhelming feeling he was becoming a wraith, or was close too it. He was quickly rushed to a guest room and tended to.

After making sure Arwen was okay, I sat her down with some lembas and tea and she told me a peculiar story.

She had been in the woods, wandering about when she noticed wring-wraiths were around.

It took her two days, but she found Aragorn and he took her to his companions.

He was with a group of hobbits, and one had been lying on the ground. Aragorn told her that the hobbit injured was Frodo, and he had been stabbed by the Witch King's blade.

She knelt next to him and told him her name and that she was here to help him. She said his name and begged him to come back to the light.

My brave sister, I remember she shuddered as she told me the next part.

She had volunteered to take him the rest of the way to Rivendell, given that she was the faster rider. At first Aragorn was hesitant because the wring-wraiths were very close.

She promised him if she could just get past the river, the power of our people would protect them.

Aragorn picked her up and put her behind Frodo. "Arwen, he said, ride hard and don't look back," and they were off in a flash.

Ride hard they did, for soon they were at the border of Rivendell. However, the wring-wraiths were on her heels.

She crossed the river and the black riders stopped.

"If you want him, then come and claim him." she declared drawing her sword.

As they started to cross the river, she uttered a spell to the water.

A great rushing sound came, and was followed by waves shaped like horses. They, in essence, ran over the riders and washed them down the river.

Frodo by then was nearly gone. She silently asked, "Whatever grace is given me, let it be passed to him." She soon rode into Rivendell after.

I was left with my mouth hanging open at her whirl wind tale.

"So that means... Frodo has the One Ring." I whispered in astonishment.

She nodded her head.

"Father will most likely call a meeting, to discuss what must be done with it. It certainly cannot stay in Rivendell." She said, clearly exhausted.

"I agree, but we must get you to bed now." I said helping her up.

Before she went to her room I embraced her tightly.

"Thank the heavens you are alright. I don't know what I would have done without you." I said with tears in my eyes.

She smiled and said to me, "Thank you Lavender, I don't know what I would do without you."

I laughed and jokingly pushed her, nobody was allowed to call me by my full name. Besides her and Ada of course.

"It's Lav, but goodnight you tease." I said and departed.


Arwen was right, and since then Ada had called a council meeting and travelers from afar were coming into Rivendell.

With this final thought, I laced by boots and ran down to the meeting.

"What would be done with the ring?" I wondered. "What could we possibly do?"

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