New Age Beauty

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A heavyset man in a navy uniform blocked the way. He held up his hand.

 “Let me see your U.A.C.”

Trixie Ryan forged a smile and reached into her back pocket, pulling out a wafer thin silicon card. She held it out in front of her.

 “Is there a problem?”

There was no reply. He pulled out a scanner and went over the card. He stared at the screen and then back up at her.

“It says here you live in Westwood. Apartment 23A.”


“What are you doing so far from home? It’s almost sundown.”

“I’m going for a walk. I was unaware there was a curfew.”

He was silent.

“Can I go now?”

“I need to check your bag first.”

Reluctantly she handed over her bag. He rummaged through it and tossed it back to her.


                                                         *          *          * 

She arrived home a half hour later, shutting the door a little louder than she had planned.

“Trix?” called a soft voice from another room.

Trixie went over to the window and scanned the horizon. A magnificent hue of crimson and gold. The dusk sun cast long shadows over the city of Eden. At least the world was beautiful.

“What’s wrong Trix?” She felt soft feminine hands brush past her shoulders and massage her neck. She always knew the right spot.

Trixie spun around and looked into Coral’s eyes. Her soothing blue eyes. “It’s nothing babe.”

Those eyes bore into her. “I know when something is wrong.”

Trixie offered a faint smile and collapsed onto the couch.

“I just had a run in with an officer…He was a real jerk.”

She looked concerned. “What do you mean a run in?

“It’s nothing; he just stopped me to check my card.”

Coral sat down beside her and stroked her face lovingly.

                                                         *          *          * 

The next morning they sat at The Planet, a local café. Trixie was slumped over the table, eyes closed. She hadn’t slept at all. Dreams of her past life had haunted her.

“Are you alright? You seem a bit off.”

“I’m just tired,” she managed.

A waitress walked by flicking her long brown hair behind her.

“Nice,” Trixie murmured.


They both laughed.

The waitress came back a few minutes later and stopped at their table.

“Is she alright?” the waitress asked.

“Oh yes, she just needs her morning shot.” Coral laughed.

She smiled at the couple. “What can I get you?”

New Age BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now