K-On! -Worlds Collide (Mio's Story) Part 8 - And so it begins

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(So. you like the story? vote for the character you want next! azusa, ritsu, yui, or mugi!)

Chapter 15:


She lay awake in her bed. "I can't be falling in love with myself.. I just can't..." She fell asleep. She had nightmares and woke screaming in the middle of the night. Mikko ran in and stood by her side. "Mio! mio! it's ok!! just a dream..." he stroked her hair and she fell back asleep. The tremors and earth quakes began getting worse.

Chapter 16:


Mio hot home and brougjt the whole Light Music Club back. I was playing the bass. "Hey Mikko!" Mio smiled a bit and I waved. "How's club today?" I asked. Yui got excited. "Ooh ooh! we had good cake and tea!" She giggled a bit. "Wow. you guys really slack off. we just drink lots of coffee." Mikko laughed. There was another tremor and emergency news came on. "We interrupt your usual broadcast to bring you news. The crater is getting larger and there are foot prints leading out of it. That is all." The TV switched off. "That means..." Mikko said. There was a knock at the door.

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