Chapter One: I'm What?

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Groaning I pushed myself up and pushed my hair out of my face before I stiffened. "What the..."

"Are you okay?"

"Sure - where are we exactly?"

"We don't know" Standing up I looked at the people on the other side of a cage wall. Looking down at myself I find my coat gone, as well as I was in a small cage with nothing but myself in there.

"Aww - my coat's gone. I liked that coat." I grumbled, my hands instantly feeling the wall of the cage I was in. "Are we in a cage?" I grab a hold of the bars before I pressed my head against cold metal and looked back and forth down the cement corridor. "Hey - psst, little chica" A red haired child looked up and stared at me for a moment before she hurried over to her bars and grabbed onto them.

"Where are we?" She whispers to me, my mind registering that she had tear stains on her cheeks.

"How should I know - I mean, I'm not sure chica, but don't let them see you cry." I pulled my head away the bars, listening to a loud echoing clicking noise before I noticed the door of the cage I was in popped open.

Instantly I walked out in my white tank, black leggings and grey lace up boots with a something stashed down and in the - never mind.

"Hello?" I questioned while everyone in the other cell's peered out fearfully while I span in a circle, taking in every detail there was of the two walls made of cages on my left and right.

Blinking at the sight of so many cages I ended up jumping out of my skin at the man who suddenly appeared in front of me. "Hands." Giving the guy a confused look I held up my hands to him, only for metal to be slapped around my wrists . . . Hand cuffs.

"Mother fu-"


"To hell if I move, I am going to kick your-" He grabs onto the chains connecting my wrists to one another and yanks me forwards so our faces were almost touching.

"You need to learn your place, or they will kill you. Keep your lips sealed and your eyes down." He whispers before letting me go. "Go line up." He disappears in front of me again and I waved my cuffed hands about ,trying to touch the invisible man.

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" I hear a girl screech and I turned to see another man carrying the red haired child out of her cage.

Hurrying forwards I crashed into the solid cold rock and wrapped my arms around the girl before I pulled her away from him. "Don't touch anyone without their permission." I stared daggers at the man as he stared back in irritation.

"I can touch who I like-"

"Not if I cut your hands off." I say, putting the girl on her feet before I puffed my chest out and tried my best to look threatening.

"Is that a threat?" He also puffed his chest out and stared down at my small frame.

"No, it was a promise." I say sweetly, only angering the man further.

"Don't, we need them healthy and in good condition. You two, get in line." I stared at the man from before who was staring directly at me. Slowly I guided the girl who clung to my waist while burying her head in the curve of my torso.

"You will remain silent.. You will not make eye contact with anyone. Or you will be punished."

My hand presses the back of the girl's head while she grips my waist tighter. Soon the line start's to move forward and I slowly follow, trying to find an escape route while also trying to comfort the upset girl.

"You, what's your name?" I stare at the man silently as he sighed. "I need you and the kid's name or I'm going to report you."

"Adelaide Turner."

"And the kid?"

I looked down, pulling away from her slightly I bent down so she could tell me. "I need to know your name, kiddo."

"Emily Barnes."

"She's Emily Barnes-"

"Hold out your hands." The guy says, writing down our names.

"What, no-"

"I'm going to remove the handcuffs." Emily's and I's hands were held up and he undo's the hand cuff's before he pulls out a futuristic gun.

"WHOA THERE BUDDY." I yelled, yanking Emily away from the guy as he rolled his eyes.

"It's not for you, it's for her-"

"If you even touch her I will personally make sure you-" I was cut off by a shriek of pain and I turned to find the guy injecting Emily with someone. Not thinking I pulled her away from him and kicked him in the shin. "I said back off, ass hole."

"You said a bad word!" Emily yells.

"I'm going to say a lot more if this wan-" He appears in front of me - making somewhere at the back of my mind freak out - and puts something over my head. Giving him a pissed look I look down to find some dog tags. "What-"

"Your serial number. Learn it for you will now be called that number." He bends down to Emily's height, only for me to step in front of her and hide her from view. Rolling his eyes he handed me her dog tags before I frowned.

"Why are we here?"

"No one told you?"

"Well, nah." I let sarcasm lace my voice as I gave him a look.

"You're a rare food source."

"A what source?"

"We're Vampires. You're food. Your blood is rare, so we kidnapped all of the same blood type and now we're going to feed off of you as a reward and such."

Standing there for a moment while blinking quickly at the fact I just stepped onto some twisted Hannibal film set. "Oh, okay." Turning I yanked Emily off of her feet and started to sprint out of the room.

"You won't get very far." The guy yelled after me in amusement.

"OH FUCK OFF." I yelled, hearing Emily gasp at my 'bad' language while I sprint down the large stone corridor's.

"Adelaide, what are you doing?" Emily says while she wrapped her arms around my neck while my feet pounded against the corridor's floor.

"I'm getting us out of this lunatic house." I pant, slowing down my pace before I slide to a large door. I put my boot against the door's surface and push it open but I stopped, staring at the large room in worry. Stepping back I let the door close and turned around to run in another direction.

"Where do you think you're going?"


"You should start understanding this social system. Human's are ant's. Vampire's are the boot, or Human's can be the rabbit's while Vampire's can be the hunters. Either way, we're better than you."

"Shut up." I say, huffing in annoyance while I pulled Pepper spray out of my cleavage and spray the lunatic in the eyes. But he didn't even flinch . . . he's either some weird mutated freak, or an actual Supernatural creature.

Either way, I shouldn't have gotten out of bed the morning I got kidnapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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