Fight in the Woods

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After a long few weeks of school we were awarded a week off! I was so excited. We got our group of friends together to see who would like to go camping. Me and Raven knew this really nice spot. In the end only Nicole, Elise, Sal, Raven, and I could go. I was kinda glad that the two demons that I didn't know to well weren't coming, but I was sad that Logan couldn't come. We all packed up and flew o the spot. We set up camp and started doing camp stuff. Whatever it is. Elise got everyone to do it. I just did it because it took my mind of the shadow figure. He's been haunting me for weeks now. I felt like I've see in him in reality too. I'm really scared but I didn't want anyone worrying about me. But I think he followed me here. But whatever. I'm here to have fun. "Hey! Let's fight!" Nicole shouted. We all stared at her. "Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight." Raven started chanting. "Sure why not?" I said shrugging. "What if we get hurt?" Sal asked. "We have to Angels and an Angelic Demon. Healing powers." Nicole said. "I don't know if I can heal." I said looking off to the side. I herd something. "Come on. We should get a bit away from our camp site if we're gonna fight." Elise said point thing towards the top of a water wall near by. We flew there and looked around to make sure no one was near. "All clear!" Elise shouted. "Let the fight began..... no teams." We all nodded. Then ran at each other. Everyone was trying there hardest. Making sure they wouldn't get hit at all. It would hurt a lot more than in the virtual world. Elise hit me with her hammer knocking me to the side as I flew I saw her start fighting Raven. I landed on the edge of the cliff nest to the water fall. I looked below me. That's a looooong drop. I felt a foot against my chest making it harder to breath. I looked up to see the shadow figure. He had a spear to my neck. I could barely breath. "Ready to die?" He grinned. I stared him straight in the eyes. I had no strength left. What was I going to do? A hammer hit his side. Elise. I pushed my a self up to see everybody ready to fight him. He drew his spear a threw it a Raven. She jumped over it. I drew my scythe and ran towards him, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I sliced him knocking him off the cliff, he threw his spear and hit my side. I screamed falling on my hands and knees holding my wound. I coughed up some blood. He hit the ground in a puff of black smoke disappearing. My hands and knees gave out leaving me laying in the ground. My vision was blurry along with I couldn't hear anything anymore. All I felt was the wound the spear left. It felt deep. I blacked out after a few seconds. I saw a young girl with sparkly blue eyes and long blonde hair. She looked at me. "How you do?" She spoke with a light voice. "Good? Who are you?" I asked. She looked down like she was sad. "I guess you did forget...." "Forget what?" She smiled at me. "You will know soon enough." She slowly disappeared. "Wait!" I reached for her. The world was dark. I could hear voices. "Is she gonna be ok?" It was Elise's voice. "Yes. The wound was deep but she will recover." "Why didn't angel magic work on her?" "Hard to tell. All the Angelic Demons had their own healing magic and I fear she's the last one." It was a mans voice I didn't recognize. "What happened to them?" "It's best not to talk about it. She may be listening." the man spoke lightly. What did happen. I don't remember them disappearing?

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