Chapter 1: Welcome to Sinnoh

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It was finally time, my time to go to Sinnoh had finally come. Gary offered to come with me and I gladly welcomed the company. The journey was going to be a long one for sure.

"Are you ready, Kat?" Gary asked as we boarded the ship.

"Of course! It's a new adventure." Umbreon rolled her eyes as I rushed to the railing.

"You would think after becoming the champion she would calm down a little." She muttered as her and Gary came over.

"Relax Umbreon, it's only natural I'm excited to go to a whole new region where there are Pokemon I have never seen before." I said brightly.

"I think you have seen those Pokemon before, you just don't remember." Gary said lightly causing me to frown a little.

"I was trying to forget about that..." I muttered and looked out over the ocean. Gary and Umbreon didn't say anything else as we started moving.


The ship moved quickly towards our destination, when we were arriving I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned and saw a boy with purplish hair and cold eyes.

"Can I help you?" I asked confused. He nodded and held up a poke ball.

"I heard you're the new champion of Kanto. I want to battle." I nodded and we got off the ship. I stood across from him.

"Well each use one Pokemon each, fine by you?" He nodded.

"Alright Umbreon lets go." She jumped forward quickly.

"Chimchar standby for battle!" He threw the pokeball and a Pokemon with a flaming tail appeared.

"That's so...CUTE!!!!" I said finally as I fawned over the cute Pokemon. The boy looked confused.

"Kat!" Umbreon growled. I shook away the thought and immediately changed my mood.

"Just because your Pokemon is cute doesn't mean we're going to lose. Umbreon Shadow Ball!" She jumped into the air and shot it down towards Chimchar.

"Chimchar Dig." The Pokemon dove underground. Umbreon landed lightly and that's when Chimchar shot out of the ground.

"Umbreon dodge and use Iron Tail!" She swiftly dodged and knocked Chimchar back into the boy.

"Chimchar is unable to battle therefore Kat is the winner." Gary called as I saw Chimchar defeated in the boys arms but what shocked me more is how the boy just dropped Chimchar.

"What the heck was that for?!" I growled at him and he looked at me a little stunned by my outburst.

"It was pathetic, why should I give it any sympathy?" I felt my blood starting to boil. Before I could stop myself I charged him tackled him to the ground. I could feel a growl forming in my throat.

"How. Dare. You." Each word was like glass on my tongue as Gary grabbed me tightly.

"Calm down, Kat." I struggled for a second but I immediately calmed down and walked away from the boy and Gary.

"You don't deserve the Pokemon you have at your side. Your Pokemon aren't weak..." I turned and looked at the boy. "You are." He was shocked by the answer but I didn't wait to see him reaction.

"Kat?" I looked up and saw Professor Rowan standing there.

"Professor." I smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you now would you like to come with me and choose the Pokemon you wish to travel with?" I nodded and followed him with Gary and Umbreon to the lab.

I saw three Pokemon standing there. A cute little blue penguin, a green turtle, and a Chimchar.

"These are the three starter Pokemon for Sinnoh. Piplup, the water penguin Pokemon. Turtwig, the grass turtle Pokemon. And chimchar, the fire monkey Pokemon." Professor Rowan explained. I smiled brightly.

"They're all so cute!" Umbreon looked at me harshly. She has been getting angry at me a lot lately.

"Have you decided which one you wish to train?" I looked between the three and then thought about the boy I had battled earlier.

"I have. I choose Chimchar." Chimchar jumped into my arms and smiled brightly.

"Thank you, I never thought anyone would choose me." I heard her say.

"You're one of my new friends Chimchar. I want you to meet Umbreon." I said and Chimchar smiled at Umbreon who growled and moved away. I frowned. "Umbreon what's gotten into you?" She walked away from me and curled up in the corner of the room. "Umbreon!" I growled and she opened one eye to look at me. "What's up?! You were fine on the ship but lately your temper has been horrible."

"Maybe because you act like someone who is still a naive little girl. You're the champion of Kanto, act like it. Red would be ashamed if he saw you right now." I froze and then looked down at the ground.

"You're just like my father..." She looked at me stunned at the sudden coldness in my voice. "I'll never been good enough for you will I?" Umbreon got to her feet as I turned away. I walked out of the building and listened as Umbreon followed close behind. "Stop following me!" I growled and I knew she flinched. "If you think I'm that unfit as a trainer then leave." I turned and looked at her sharply.

"Kat I wasn't saying that." I shook my head.

"I can't help being excited about a new region but have you ever thought I was scared. I'm scared to know who my real family is, I'm scared to know they didn't want me so they tossed me away like I was no better than garbage. Umbreon you need to start understanding from my point of view. I understand you but do you understand me?" She looked at her paws and I knew I was right, she didn't know me at all. "Stay with Gary. When you understand me then we can continue on this journey together." And with that I took the pokedex of this region and five pokeballs along with chimchar's and headed away from the lab.

"Kat..." Chimchar muttered. I touched her head lightly.

"Don't worry Chimchar everything is going to be alright."

I hope...

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