Prologue: Krkavec

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Everything stopped. People were stood like statues all around me, people in cars, men on bicycles, babies in prams all lifeless, frozen in time. I felt a pair of eyes glaring into the back of my skull, making an feeling of unease consume my body. I closed my eyes as I turned to face this figure, hoping that it wasn't hostile. I opened my right eye, expecting to see a monster or a demon. But there was nothing.

I sighed in relief letting myself calm slightly before feeling another presence behind me again. I quickly
Whipped round to see a young girl standing only a meter away from me. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of her. She definitely wasn't there before. Messy black hair ran down in front of her face, blocking all of her facial features from my sight. She was wearing a white night gown with a silk now running around her waist. Her shoes were as black as her hair, gazing into either of them seemed like gazing into the dark abyss of space. And her skin...

I was to lost up in my own thoughts to realise that I had kneeled down to the girls height as she slowly made her way even closer to me. The gentle sound of humming swept towards my ears as she continued her approach. The humming became louder and louder until the girl in the white dress came to a stop in front of me. She stood there, deadly still before leaping into my arms and snuggling her head into my shoulder. I smiled and hugged the girl in return.

We stayed like that for a good five minutes before the girl lifted her head from my shoulder and whispered something in my ear. "Krkavec." She said softly. "What's that's supposed to mean little gi-" An immense pain erupted from the back of my neck before the world around me quickly faded to black.

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