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"Fuck this is bad"

Lauren, ally, Camila and Normani were looking at me.

"Yes it really is poor Dinah. She got so much shit" Camila said pouting.

"How did they even get on the fact that you and Selena were dating?" Normani asked I struggled

"I don't know. They're going off on Dinah because they want Selena and I together"

Lauren sighed. "What are you planning on doing?"

"I'm gonna send an message out" I said

"But what if it doesn't work? What if it will get worse. What if we can never come out with our relationship? " asked Lauren pouting

"I'll make sure I'll do everything I can okay. There will be people who will support us I'm sure of that don't think about the bad think about the ones who love us and support our choices" I said

"Im scared y/n" ally said sitting down on my lip Dinah was fast asleep in the bed she was stressing a lot this morning it worn her out the girls and I were in the hotels living room

"Don't be baby. As I said I'm gonna fix this. Ridiculous and sickening rumor" I shake my head. These people are really going to far. Scaring my girls. Is just the definition of not cool I pulled them close to me as I held them. Minus Dinah.

"I need to ask Dinah now how the dick was" normani said trying to lighten up the mood.

I smile kissing her head

"I bet she'll say. It was alright" Lauren said trying to imitate Dinah we laughed that was the worse imitation
Later that day I was doing an interview and as I though and hoped they asked me about the Dinah thing.

"Well Im glad you asked me this. Well there are fans who send haters to Dinah because they think that I'm cheating on Selena Gomez with her. But Selena and I have never been An couple Wait hold up"I said grabbing my phone and dialing Selena's number putting it on speaker

"Hey y/n what's up?"

"Hey Selena. I'm currently in an interview right now. So as you know people think we're An couple? What are your thoughts on that?"

"Yes oh my god I saw that. That's absolutely ridiculous. You're just an good friend of me. There has never been any romantic strings what so ever. So it's sad to read that online when it's not true" she said.

"Thank you Selena"

"No problem I already shut most of it down. No one should be hated on in the first place and at specially not because of something not true. I have to go I have an meeting bye" I hung up.

"You see Selena and I are not together and going off on an innocent girl like Dinah is also not exactable. She really felt sick to her stomach. What Dinah and I do behind closed doors is my business. Whatever I do with anyone behind closed doors it's my business. I would like to not hear anymore bullshit stories involving any of my girls" my manager squeezed my shoulder nodding.

"Well said y/n"

After more question about my music the interview was over.

As I entered I was met with 5 faces. "You did it. You actually did it" I laughed.

"I did girls. I did"

Pfff y'all I'm sorry for making it yet short again. But hey. Idk what to write. Samy-lyn was a big help for making me write this chapter.

Not really what you said. But I have an idea of that later.

Stay beautiful

Knowles (5h/camila/you) (editing)Where stories live. Discover now