Chapter 8~ Rash Emotions

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***Audrey's P.O.V.***

When I woke up the next morning I immediately startled awake to the alien feeling of silk sheets surrounding me, and I shot up in the bed to view my surroundings. I sighed when I realized it was just the room at the vampire compound and laid back down. There was an intense throbbing sensation in my head and I groaned as the creaking of the door seemed to make it intensify. I opened one eye to see who or what was making the deafening noise. When I saw who it was my eyes shot open. ''Luca,'' I greeted as I slowly sat up this time. I gently got out of the bed as to not cause any pain to my head than was already there and eyed his fancy clothing. Granted, it was only jet black, but the sleek look of it made it feel as though it was supposed to be a suite and I felt underdressed in his presence while I stood in the night gown I had found in the room.

''Audrey,'' he nodded in response before pulling a orange bottle from his pocket and holding it out to me. ''My father said that humans often use this drug to relieve pain. I thought you might want it for your headache.''

I took them gratefully and took a few tablets of the medicine before placing the bottle on the small table next to my bed. ''Thank you,'' I sighed, already feeling a sense of the placebo effect start to kick in.

''Anytime,'' he replied as he looked down at his feet and acted as if he was pushing something around with the tip of his shoe. ''How are your emotions handling themselves?'' he asked me after a short silence.

''Come again?''

''Your emotions, they're back to normal, right?'' he clarified and I just cocked my head at him.

''Were they not normal before?'' I wondered.

''Well yes, but no,'' he sighed, ''My father has a power just like every vampire. He can make it so that someone's emotions are twisted, and he used it to make you calmer than you probably should've been when walking through a underground society of one of the most dangerous creatures in the world.''

''Really?'' I responded, thinking back to that nagging feeling when I had walked through the hallways with the man. I knew that I should've been a bit scared in this situation.

''Yes, he told me that your emotions were especially hard to bend,'' Luca smirked as he continued, ''That happens when you're dealing with an incredibly stubborn person. Your mind resisted a lot apparently.''

''Oh,'' I replied, ''Is that a good thing?''

''Yeah,'' Luca shrugged, ''Means the weaker creatures cant control you too easily.'' Luca seemed to have something dawn on him and he stepped out of the room for a moment and with a flick of his wrist a pile of clothes floated to his awaiting hands. He cradled them as he walked back to me and then held them out to me. ''Enough with this babbling, we have a breakfast to attend.'' I slowly took the clothes from Luca and he excited to let me change. 

The clothes were something that you would expect to see from a fancy party, but I guess in a way I was dining with royalty so it was fitting. I pulled it on and quickly pulled my hair into a tight bun before opening the door and seeing Luca leaning against the wall with a black rose being twirled in between his fingers. I was starting to see a theme of black here... ''Is a dress this fancy really necessary for breakfast?''

He looked up at me and smiled, ''No, it's customary, but you're missing just one thing.''

''What's that?'' I questioned. He motioned for me to bend down a bit and I felt a tug as he wedged the black rose into my hair near my left ear. He smiled at me and then nodded, ''Now you look just like a proper vampire woman.''

I smiled back at him and he tucked my arm into his as he led me down to our destination. ''So the man who I met last night is your father?'' I asked and Luca nodded.

''He is the vampire king; the strongest of us all though his power is said to be the weakest a vampire could be blessed with,'' Luca explained, ''I also have a brother who will join us for breakfast. He's a bit of a hot head, and he likes to get what he wants.''

''Sort of like what Louis has proven himself to be?'' I compared.

''I guess in a way,'' he agreed, ''though I think it would be best for us all if you don't bring up Louis unless someone else talks about him first and you cannot avoid the subject.''

''Noted,'' I assured him as we reached the doors to a room decorated with golden drawings of a feast. Luca pushed the doors open and guided me through them to a table where the man and another boy, older looking than Luca but much younger than the man, sat peacefully. Luca pulled out a chair for me to sit in and I thanked him as he walked to his own chair and all eyes focused on me.

''Audrey, how are you feeling this morning?'' the man asked me with his warm and welcoming smile. I felt a wave of calmness and peace wash over me and wipe away the little amount of nervousness or fear I had been feeling before.

''Much better since Luca gave me some pain medication,'' I answered kindly, ''Thank you for the thought mister- vampire king?''

He chuckled, ''Please, call me Benjamin. You are a friend even if Louis is not.''

''About that, father,'' the older boy, who I had inferred was Luca's brother, started, ''I was thinking that I might be able to help sever the-.''

Benjamin interrupted him, ''I do not want to hear it son, you know what that could do to Louis.''

''It's not like anyone likes him anyways,'' the boy mumbled.

Benjamin sighed before looking back at me and smiling warmly again, ''I trust that your rest last night was pleasant with no unwanted disturbances?''

''Yes, though it was a bit weird waking up in a place that wasn't my apartment,'' I confessed.

''Hopefully you will adjust to it within the next few days,'' he nodded before sitting forward, ''Now, onto more pressing matters. Your being here was not exactly planned, but seeing as Louis is a very important vampire in the modern society and he ruined the one chance of protection on your own that you had; we had no choice but to bring you here. Louis is leaving soon and you will be susceptible to more harm as you always have been when he was gone-.''

''What are you talking about? What does Louis being far away from me have to do with me being 'susceptible to more harm'?'' I butted in as politely as possible.

''Audrey, Louis is your mate which means if you die he dies, or visa versa. Whenever you two are great distances from each other the bond becomes weaker and without a blood bond you two will become weak with your bond. Because Louis and you do not have a blood bond it means that your bond is easier to bend and sometimes even break,'' Benjamin explained though it still just sounded like gibberish to me.

''When you say mate you don't mean what I think you mean, right?'' I prompted.

Benjamin seemed confused by my question as if he had imagined I would ask something else, ''You two are romantically bonded by a force that no one can sever unless through death.''

''Kill me now,'' I groaned as I threw my head back.

''Ah, ah, ah,'' the boy butted in, ''You're not telling her the full story, father.''

''Joshua, I already told you that you are forbidden to try again not after what happened the last time,'' Benjamin shot back and Joshua, the boy my age, slumped in his chair slightly.

''I just think that she deserves to know that there are other options,'' Joshua persisted and my head snapped towards him.

''Other options?''

''Yes, I am the only living vampire who can sever a mates bond.''


Ugh, I hate to end it there but I have to go to bed. Sorry for it being boring; I can barely keep my eyes open and I don't even know what I'm writing.


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