Imagine #15

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Today is your birthday day  and you haven't  gotten  a text from Weston yet and so just went to school and he wasn't there either. Hoping  that he didn't forget your birthday you texted him yourself, he never replied and that's not normal for him not to reply. So u got kinda worried because he don't show up to school and he didn't answer your text. After school you decided to go to his house and nobody was home. So you just went home and when you got home you checked Instagram and Twitter and there where a bunch of Happy Birthday comments and that made you a bit happier and then when you where scrolling through the comments, you saw that Weston commented something and it said to meet him at the park so you asked your mom if you could go to the park and she said yes so you went to the park and walked around looking for Weston. After a few minutes of walking you found him by the tree you Weston asked you to be his girlfriend on your birthday last year. Weston had a basket in his hand that had snacks and stuff in it and he said come on let's eat and you said ok and than after you guys finished eating he said happy Birthday day y/n and kissed you that was your first ever kids with Weston and you where planning on kissing him in your guys anniversary which is in a few weeks but he bet you to that and then you guys went home and cuddled and watched a movie.

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