Chapter 12

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Her. Who was she? Why was I being compared to someone I didn't know. I still had the knife in my hands.

"You need to keep moving." She said clearly.

"Who are you?" I whispered, so I wouldn't get weird looks.

"Not important." Who ever this was, I for one, didn't like her. I followed her instructions looked at the ground as I walked, so no one would see my face. I felt like I was being pulled by a string, I didn't where I was going, but, my brain did.

"Why are you controlling me?" She giggled.

"I'm not controlling you, I'm helping you, without me, you'd be dead. After all I was the one who made you have that nightmare." Shock flew though me.

"You woke me?"

"No, you woke yourself. I was the one who gave you the nightmare, if you didn't wake up from the nightmare you would have ended up like you parents." I stopped walking, as there images came though my head. A nauseous feeling came over me.

"What happened to them." She sighed.

"No, but I know someone who might." I toke a deep breath getting keeping the images out of my head.

"Where are you taking me?"

"You ask a lot of questions. I'm taking you away from this town, and away from police." I started walking again.

"Why police?" She sighed again.

"You have killed two people." Killed. The word echoed into my head. She was right I had killed two people. Two people. If I was going to kill anyone else, I was going to keep count.

I arrived two days later at a house. It was small, but big enough to look normal. I entered the house. A girl younger than me sat on the floor in the first room. Her hair was firey red and her eyes were bright green, her clothes were torn and she look scared.

"Who are you?"

"Tell her a fake name, she could be-"

"She a child!" I whispered.

"Did you say something?" The red-hair girl tilted her head to the side.

"No, you may think I'm crazy anyway." The girl smiled.


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