Laila's Little Secret(Laila POV1)

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*Thursday Night*  So it's Thursday afternoon and it's almost time for everybody to get out of school so I get up and go downstairs to tell my mom that I was feeling better. She had company so she kind of brushed me off a little but it's cool. I still got what I wanted at the end of the day and that was to go to "Kyla's house." Now I know you guys may think that I'm wrong for lying and I should just be straight forward with my mom but she doesn't know anything about Keonte and if she or my father knew they would react the worst way, so I just decide to keep everything a secret. After everybody got out school I packed my bags since my mom thinks I'm going to Kyla's house and I call Keonte. (On the phone) "Hello!" Keonte said with a lot of noise in the background. "Bae! Did you talk to your parents about me spending the night?" I asked walking slowly down the street in the same direction as Kyla's house. "Yea! they said if it were ok with your mom. They said send your mom's contact information so that they could call and confirm you staying." He said. At that moment I knew my plan to finally spend the night with Keonte was officially over. How was I ever going to convince her to allow me to stay at his house. But not long after I figured something out. I would have Kyla's older sister drop me off over there and pretend to be my older sister and everything would work out. "You know my mom isn't going for that. How about I have Kyla's sister bring me and pretend to be my big sister and tell your parents that my mom stepped out on a business meeting and doesn't have time to tend to her phone. I mean it is slightly true." I said standing in front of Kyla's front yard. "well we can try it." He said dryly. I was pissed cause Keonte was being so dry so I hung up the phone. I walked up Kyla's driveway and knocked on her door.  Her parents were out for a minuet so they didn't know I was over there. Kyla came to the door and spoke. "Heeeeey girly!" She said with much excitement. "Hey Kyla girl." I said flipping my hair back and smiling. "Come in!" Kyla signaled. I was over her house a lot so I just walked straight to the living room and sat on her couch. "So! wassup? I didn't expect you to be coming over." She walked in the kitchen to grab something to drink. "Well see that's the thing. My mom is out with a client and she gave me permission to spend the night since she was out so late. But I told Keonte that I was coming over to his house." I was ready for whatever remark she would make. Kyla didn't really care what I did as long as I wasn't being sneaky towards my mom and putting her name in it. She said it would be a bad look on her and would probably make my mom and dad dislike her. "Ok. So did you tell your mom there has been a change of plans and you were going to Keonte house?" She asked. "Well no. She doesn't ever respond when she's out for business. I was hoping your sister would drop me off over there because his parents won't let me stay unless they have an adults approval. Do you think she could pretend to be my big sister and tell them that it's ok for me to stay?" I was kind of nervous. Just then her sister came downstairs. "Oh hey Laila, I thought I heard you." She said waving at me from the bottom of the stairs. I giggled and my response followed. "Hey." I looked at Kyla and she stared at me. If looks could kill just know I wouldn't be able to tell this story. "So Lay, you wanted my sisters advice on something right?" She said looking at me as if she was curious. "Oh yea! I did say that didn't I?" I was ready to slap Kyla. I hadn't even really built up the courage to talk to Kyla's sister and here she is casting me out in the middle of the ocean. "You girls are always up to no good. What's up Laila?" Her sister asked sitting in between the both of us. "Well my mom is out and I was supposed to be over here since she's gone but I wanted to go spend the night at my boyfriend's house. His parents are fine with it as long as my mom is;but that's the root of the problem. My mom is gone and will never agree to me staying over his house." I was talking so fast that I had to breathe deep just to catch my breath. "So you want me to pretend to be your mom?" She asked with confusion. "No!" I replied laughing "I just want you to tell his parents that your my older sister and our mom is away on a business trip and doesn't take calls when working. Is that too much to ask?" I asked. There was a dramatic pause where all of us looked at each other and dropped our heads in disappointment. But silence was broken right when Bridget finally spoke. "Ok I guess I can do that. But if it all falls down don't put me in it." She stated standing up from the couch. "Yes! Thank you so much Bri, you're the best." I said hugging her the tightest. "OK ok just get your stuff." She said gently pushing me off of her. She grabbed her keys and we made our way to Keonte's house.

*Keonte House* So we get to Keonte house and at this point I'm nervous as heck. I walk to the trunk and grab my stuff and Kyla and he sister proceed to walk to the front door. I begin to follow them. "You gone ring the doorbell? Knock? Some?" Kyla asked aggressively. "Oh yea." I said. I knocked on the door then rang the doorbell. I was so nervous I really didn't know what to do. No one came the first time I knocked so I rung the doorbell again and that time a very tall dark skinned man with curly hair opened the door. "Who are y'all?" The tall man asked. "Oh I'm Laila. I'm looking for Keonte, is he home?" I responded. The man just looked at me for a while. Then he turned around and called for Keonte. "Y'all wonna come in?" The tall man asked. We just looked at each other. "I guess y'all can stay out there then." He said brushing off the fact that we didn't reply. "Uhm we'll come in." Bridget insisted. We walked in and the man motioned us to come in the living room. "Keonte come downstairs you got some girls waiting for you!" He yelled from the kictchen. Keonte ran downstairs and when he saw me he just stopped. He didn't even say anything to me. All he did was stare. "Keonte!" I yelled. "What?" He asked. "Did you not tell your folks I was on the way?" I stood up to confront him. "I did. That's my dad right there." He pointed to his dad standing in the frig. "Oh! ok. So does he need to talk to anyone?" I asked curiously. "Nah. I told him what you told me about your mom being away for business and that you were alone with your sister and she was the closets thing to a guardian you had at the moment so he said ok, talked to my mom and you're fine." He stated. "Ok so you don't need my sister?" I asked also hinting them to get up and leave. "Right. Unless you just insist on the introduction." "No. I'm fine. Where do I put my stuff?" I asked picking up my bag. "I'll take it upstairs just introduce yourself to my dad. My mom is upstairs she should be down in a minute." Keonte exited the living room and made his way upstairs. I walked back over to Kyla and Bridget to thank them and tell them goodbye. They left and I didn't hear from Kyla the rest of the night.

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