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Even though I know you don't feel okay, and you probably don't really want to talk to anybody right now, but I want you to know that it will be okay. Sometimes good things will fall apart and that's just so that better things can fall together. So don't cry about the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future because it's not here yet. Just live for the moment and make that moment beautiful. You may think that you'll never get over it, but I promise that you will. Better people will come along and he just opened up the gates for that. Don't feel bad, you may have lost somebody that didn't love you which sucks, but it sucks worse for him because he lost somebody that loved him very much. You're going to meet a few wrong people, but the right person will come along and then you'll appreciate them more than anything. Stars can't shine without darkness so pick up your head princess, your tiara is falling.

I wrote this to my friend when he boyfriend broke up with her. She responded with "😰😰" I WAS LIKE CHILD I WROTE THAT WHOLE THING FOR YOU AND YOU RESPOND WITH TWO EMOJIS

Quotes and StuffWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt