Chapter 1

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 I am inside a bathroom right now.

I am inside a room in the house where you do your business. And if you might be wondering, I am not doing any of my business. Not at the moment, at least.

I am thinking. Some people might think of this as weird but I do get a lot of thinking space when I am inside my own bathroom. I just feel good because no one can interrupt me and my silly thoughts. What am I thinking you might ask? Everything that could be done; I don't need to rush anymore. It’s already sembreak, baby!

You may be thinking: why am I stuck in a bathroom when I could be partying, drinking and getting wasted with me and my gazillion friends? The only logical explanation to that is because I don't have any friends.

Rather than explaining to you my otherwise sob story of a life, (which isn't, believe me), let me tell you more about myself.

"Stella Catherine Worthington, get out of that bathroom this instance!" My mom, Constance Worthington, knocks and shouts at my private lounge. I stand up, pretend to flush the toilet, and open the door rubbing my stomach.

"Sorry, mom," Stella tip 101: Say sorry to your mom even though you didn't do anything. It makes her feel dominant...or something. "My tummy's been aching all day."

Her frown disappeared and I see that my strategy work. She tapped my arm. "Well, okay then honey, lunch is ready." See? Tricking mom is a piece of cake.

I went outside my bathroom, looking around my silly room. It was a really messy room, in my opinion anyway. I am a total whack job when it comes to cleanliness. And what I'm seeing in my room right now isn't pleasant to the eyes.

I walked out of my room and settled down on the dining table, which is located downstairs. On the table sat my mom, dad, and older brother William, all waiting for me to sit down. It was weird that all my family members have blonde hair and blue eyes while me, have brown hair and brown eyes. I actually thought I was adopted back then.

"Good morning, Worthingtons." My dad greets. Weird, right?

"Good morning." We said in unison.


"Stella?" Stop it. I'm dreaming of Zac Efron. Go away. "Stell?" No. "Stella!"

"What?" I reply, as I sit up from the couch, my head throbbing from the sudden movement. I look up, only to see my brother's agitated face in front of me. "I was having a good dream. Thanks for ruining it."

"You're welcome," he says. "Now get up."

"What do you want?" I asked, irritation visible in my tone. "This better be important."

"Well," he paused. "Can you feed Kate?" My eyes widen and I drop to the couch.

"Ew, no." I quickly reply. Kate is this disgusting creature that my brother adopted. It was like a cross breed between a snake and freaking Godzilla, and I am not in the mood for seeing that kind of animal right now, or will I ever be in the mood for seeing that....thing.

"Please." He patiently pleads. I close my eyes because sooner or later I'm going to have to do it anyway.

"Ugh, fine." I blurt out. He stood up and did this happy dance that made him seem ga---less manly. He shook my hand.

"Thank you, I owe you one." Then he dropped a fifty dollar bill in front of me. I rolled my eyes but I finally felt the jounce in my bones and wondered, fifty bucks? There must be some catch. I slip on my slippers and walk down the hall to go to that beast's room. It even has its own room, can you believe that?

 I open the room slowly as if I was opening a freaking dungeon cell and I took a peek. I reached on for the nearest thing to cover up my nose, which is a handkerchief and walked in. It was a very small closed space and it offered limited light considering the window positioning isn't really good.

I grabbed a chunk of raw chicken from its container and slowly walked towards the cage. I don't want to look inside because I don't really want to look at it. I might scare myself and run away. I was doing well and I was about to drop it when the worst case scenario happened.

I looked inside the cage and there, looking like a behemoth, was Kate staring at me. I dropped the piece of meat, closed the cage, and sprinted across the hallway screaming like a banshee.


A new family is moving in town. I wouldn't do that if I were them.

There is nothing going on in my town. I mean yes, it is already modernized but there is nothing interesting going on. It's just another modern town without something to be known for. Others have great food, great people, but this town? Nah. Nothing. The closest celebrity we have is that extra from 10 Things I Hate About You and she didn't even have a close-up.

Because we are a small town, everything that is going on will be known by everyone. For example is Hector Willis, a guy from my Calculus class. I just heard from my mom that he will be taking off his nerdy braces. Even to the smallest things like spraining someone's knee, or her having menstrual cramps.

So, yeah, our town isn't recommendable when it comes to new families. Normally people here who just moved in will be very socially awkward around the people who practically rooted their family trees in this town. And the worst part about this, is that they are moving in next door.

Well, I am not interested in meeting new people. End of conversation.

"Shh!" The head librarian, Mrs. Kingsley, hushes a couple who kept on giggling and tickling each other while 'reading' a big lousy dictionary. I fixed my posture.

I am in the library right now because I figured that after that traumatic experience that I went through a while ago, I should spend time alone in the library because of the peace and quiet. Because as visible a while ago, my bathroom isn't safe already.

I went in and just grabbed some random book and sat in between the book shelf rows. I was in the Romance section and I was holding the book in front of me as if I was actually reading and after a few silent minutes, I fell asleep.

"Miss?" I felt someone wiggling my arm. "Miss?" Another wiggle but with more force now. "Miss?" It said again. "Miss!" Then I felt someone slap me! Woah, slap me!

I sit up, realizing that I was drooling over the book that I was supposed to be reading. I look up, the light getting blocked because of a guy that was giving me the evil stare.

 He had brown spiky hair and blue eyes that was covered with ugly rectangular glasses. But I have to admit, he looked kind of cute. But because of what he did to me, I looked at him with a frown, portraying that I am deeply upset with him.

"Did you just slap me?!" Hopefully no one heard us because we were at the isolated area of the library.

He looked at me bluntly. "Yes, as a matter of fact," He backs away from me. "I did."

"Well, aren't you a gentleman?" I said sarcastically. He just fixed his jacket that was wrapped around him.

"I do try my best, thank you." I rolled my eyes. But he doesn't look familiar to me, and as I said, I know everyone in my town. And when I mean everyone, I literally mean everyone.

"Excuse me but," I stand up. "Do I know you?" 

He shook his head. "No, you do not."

"And why is that?"

"Because, I'm new in town. Just moved exactly four blocks away from here." He still has no expression in his eyes and I can almost see that he is as bitter as tamarind. I froze. So basically, this idiotic emotionless boy will be my neighbor? Just my luck.

He turned his gaze away from me, turned around, and left. I sighed with relief because I was finally away from the guy. But then he came back.

"Oh and by the way," His lips were twitching, somewhat forming a smile. "Nice book." He looked at the book that I was holding and winked at me. I looked down at the book that I was clutching tightly and looked at the title;

Fifty Shades of Grey

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