He can't be that hard to find

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After comforting Shirosaki, Grimmjow went out to find Ichigo. Though he had no clue why, Grimmjow felt he had to go find Ichigo, no matter what, it was a strange feeling. The curiosity of wanted to know what happened was pretty strong, so he could've blamed it on that, but hidden underneath that was another emotion, one that overpowered curiosity by a long shot, an emotion Grimmjow'd never felt before.

Tears threatened to jump of Ichigo's face, but he forced them back. He stormed down the decently empty street to the one place no one would find him. It was a secluded, abandoned tree fort in the woods on the outskirts of the town. Ichigo had spend all his free time building it back up. He slipped through the underbrush, careful not to leave any footprints. Each room in the tree fort was the size of a small house, made of dark wood, there were many rooms going up the tree, either a ladder or a rope bridge connected each room with the other. Ichigo had tested each ladder and rope bridge every day he went there, he made repairs to each of the ten rooms, he repainted the outside with dark, natural colors, but he painted the inside with light and fun colors, he even repainted the sign that stood out front. 'Los Espada,' it sounded like the name of a gang, that would explain why it had multiple rooms, each with their own themes, Ichigo thought it was cool. Ichigo climbed all the way up to the top one, the eleventh one, he built the eleventh one himself. Based on how run down it was when Ichigo first found it, it hadn't been used in years, so he figured he'd be plenty safe. Ichigo carefully climbed all the way up to the eleventh room, it held a few belongings he'd left there earlier. It was a place when he felt alone, but it was comfortable. A small music player with a pair of headphones lied in the drawer, right where he left it. He plugged in the headphones and let the beat take away his pain, each note made him feel even lighter than the latter. Ichigo slowly climbed down the fort, his music still blasting in his ears, examining each floor. He had decorated the rooms just as they used to be, or how hew thought they were, before the couple years of decay. His floor was floor "zero," because the floor below him was one, and it wouldn't make sense if it went up: ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, eleven. The floor just underneath his own, floor "one," seemed to have had a chill owner. When Ichigo first found the place it was covered in worn pillows and blankets, the small mini-fridge was full of high-sugar energy drinks and mold, but the small punching bag in the corner of the room was still in decent shape. Ichigo replaced the mini fridge and energy drinks, rewired the lighting, got new pillows and blankets, and repainted the interior while keeping to the pastel and gray pallet. He took extra care of the one odd corner just as he imagined the previous owner would've. Unlike the cushion-y pastel and gray of the one side of the room, this side had a more tough appearance. A wooden chair with a single bright green cushion stood in the middle of plastic swords and action manga. One of the things he liked to do in his free time was sit in the rooms and imagine what the owners were like. He pictured this room's owner to be secretly strong, but has something that keeps them up at night, which makes the person tired throughout the day, but he was lonely so he had a young, violent imaginary friend that kept him company and entertained him. Well, that was one of the stories he had come up with. He gazed up and the black one painted on the light gray wall and smiled. He continued down the tower that connected so many trees. The second room he came across had an oddly painted color scheme of blues, browns, and yellows, with the bold, black two in the same interesting font as the other numbers and pictures of sharks placed evenly on the wall. The main attraction of this room was a bookshelf filled with animal books. That was a pain to regather and restore, but Ichigo enjoyed it. He figured the owner of this room was quiet and reserved, but had a deep respect for all the Earth has created, just maybe not humans. Ichigo smiled and continued down to the third level down. The black number three was in it's on little place in the light, fun colors of the girly third room. Bookshelves of Shoujo and Shounen-ai manga stood next to the remade rack of cosplays. The light warmth of the room made Ichigo believe that the one who owned this was a mild fujioshi* (spelling?), into it enough to read it, but never making it farther than fluff or orange. He liked to believe the owner was a warm hearted person who was a friend to all. He danced slightly as he walked, the music and his imaginary friends were all the comfort he needed. As he continued down the ropes connecting the trees his heart got lighter and lighter and he was happy this place was so far into the woods no one would search there. He approached the fourth cabin, with it's dark pallet and even darker theme. Dark Shounen and horror manga were neatly taking up the space full of dark wood bookshelves. Ichigo believed this member was a misunderstood character, outcasted from society, but he secretly has a caring side. Giving random people a novel like personality just based on a room they probably barely used when they were in middle school, but it was a fun escape for the anger issue troubled teen. He continued down the ropes to the fifth cabin, a cabin filled with shady weapons and fitness material. The pallet was dull, even with the revamped paint, with shades of beige and other monotonous off white colors. The most popular theory about Five's character was one of those people who are constantly showing off, either to impress a girl, look better than a rival, prove people wrong, or to  just prove a point.  Yeah, he was probably the guy that always had a point to prove. Then Ichigo wandered his way down to the sixth room, which, oddly enough, was his favorite of the original ten.

Grimmjow searched everywhere, the fuckin dude literally had orange hair, how was he so hard to find? He was nowhere in the town, but he couldn't be there, could he? As he was debating whether or not the angry orangette could be in the destination of though, his feet started moving on their own, with one destination in mind. Grimmjow was so lost in though he didn't even notice the sudden change from the light thunk of his feet hitting the pavement to the crunch of leaves. He broke his train of though just in time to see the repainted sign say "Los espada," but that was impossible. That was so many years ago, the paint should've been chipped at the very least. The ropes used to get to the cabins looked stable, they were never stable looking, even when the buildings were in use. They didn't care if it was a death trap climbing up; they were just middle schoolers; they just wanted a hangout away from adults. In high school they got the bar, because Harrabel inherited it when he old man kicked the can. Immediately Grimmjow rushed to the place his "secret" way up, all of the higher up cabins had them. People like Grimmjow liked to think of them as proof of their higher status, but they were actually so they didn't have to walk past all the others' cabins. Sure enough, even the "secret" entrances were revamped! Grimmjow rushed up to his cabin, getting there just in time to hear, "Ya, know, I still have the feeling that you're an asshole, but I can't help thinking that you're my favorite,' coming from the strawberry lips of a missing orange headed boy.

I know I told fans a couple days ago that I was writing this chapter, and I was, but I kinda ended up getting a bit sidetracked and writing a bunch of Pokémon parodies in honor of the release of Sun and Moon (which was forever ago, but) because while listening to "All of me" at the part where he's talking about breathing fire and it just stemmed off from there. Once I started I couldn't stop, I'm a horrible author I know I'm sorry...

Also I replaced Barragan with Nel, because and old man hanging out with a bunch of middle schoolers is just awkward... Also I made Harrabel two in his place, because in the anime Nel is from the older gen espada, which (as Nnoitora said (I hate listening to his words/advice) is weaker in comparison to the newer gens) would make her at least slightly weaker than Harrabel.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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