Take my picture? - P.11

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"You do know what you agreed to right?" he coughed out. "I mean. I asked you to be my girlfriend and I just want to make sure you fully know that." 

"Yes I know what I agreed to." you chuckled at his self doubt knowing that he was in just as much shock that you said yes as you were that he even asked you. 

"Okay then." he simple said now seeming a bit proud of himself. "Should we shake on it or something?"

At the end of his sentence you couldn't help but laugh. Laugh with joy that you were now Jonathan's girlfriend and laugh with relief that he was just as awkward as you were. This entire process had been so new that it was almost impossible to tell what to do next, what was appropriate, and what was now expected of each of you. 

"I'm really new to this whole relationship thing but I don't think couples shake on things." you chuckled wanting nothing more than to run into his arms and live out a perfect love story that you had played out in your head so many times before. 

"I know but I figured it was better than just asking to kiss you right away." he replied with a slight chuckle in his voice as well. 

"I'm not sure what's normal in a relationship." you continued. "But you don't have to ask to kiss me. You can just do it whenever you want to."

"Whenever I want to?" he asked again with excitement though he quickly gained control of himself. 

"Yeah. I mean you're my boyfriend now and I hope the same goes for me as well." you replied.

"Yeah Yeah of course it does." he quickly answered  bringing his hands from the safety of his pockets. "You can do...whatever you want whenever. Yeah."

With each word spoken you couldn't help but bite your lower lip listening to his nervous voice give you the go ahead whenever you wanted to show affection toward him. Despite wanting to bring yourself closer to him the battle against your nerves became more and more intense as your mind raced. Your blood rushed throughout your body with a tingling sensation that you had never felt before. It was new and exciting but extremely intimidating at the same time. Surely, this would have been a lot easier if Kelly would have been available for moral support just a day ago. 

In her absence, it was clear that it was time to woman up and rely on your own confidence to continue on and achieve that dream that had always seemed a lifetime away. 

As quickly as your feet would move, you brought yourself forward until your body pressed tightly against Jonathan's chest. The warmth from his body could easily be felt through his shirt and jacket providing a perfect comfort that you had never imagined being able to exist.

When your body pressed against his, it was easy to tell that the sudden action had startled him. Though it only took a few short moments for him to react the way you had hoped that he always would. His slightly trembling hands wrapped themselves around your upper waist careful not to reach too low in case you became uncomfortable. Your hands quickly moved to his shoulders keeping firmly in place as the two of you came face to face just looking at each other in the darkness in silence letting tension build until it was almost unbearable. 

With a gentle touch, his rough lips slowly met with yours not to seem too eager but still with excitement. The kiss wasn't at all like you had scene in the movies. It wasn't dripping with passion in the rain or the first step toward spending an unspeakable night together. In fact, it was quite different than anything you imagined it would have been. 

Both of your movements were a bit messy clearly from inexperience as most teenagers were. He was timid and you were awkward though those things didn't stop the overwhelming feeling you were currently having. Your hands moved from his shoulders to around his neck bringing yourself to a better angle and pulling his closer than before. The small hairs on his face had gently tickled your smooth skin creating an even more intimate sensation. Though, just as the kiss became more organized and in rhythm, Jonathan broke his lips apart to catch his breath. Something you had forgotten about until just in that moment.

"Are you okay?" he asked catching his breath. "I didn't hurt you or anything?"

"No of course not." you told him easing his fears. It was clear his inexperience had been trying to get the best of him. "I'm a little sad it's over."

You both chuckled at your confession as you both reluctantly let go of each other. Straightening your blouse, Jonathan rubbed his hands together quickly feeling just as happy as you had been. 

"Let's get back to my house. It's really getting cold out and I don't want you to get sick." he spoke up turning on his feel and starting up the last small hill to where his car had been parked.

Silently agreeing, you walked behind him closely until the feeling of wet ground had disappeared under your shoes as the feeling of a solid road took its place making it a lot easier to walk. Instead of taking a seat immediately in the drivers seat, Jonathan quickly moved to the passengers side and opened the door allowing you entrance to his car. 

"Thank you." you told him feeling special that he held the door open for you and waited in the cool night air until you were comfortable in the seat. 

Jonathan smiled to himself as he securely closed the door and walked to the driver's seat taking his place behind the wheel. 

"Can I hold your hand?" he asked as he started the car and began to drive down the empty road toward where his home had been. 

"Yes." you replied simply placing your cold hand in his waiting one as he steered with his free hand like an expert. Biting your lower lip again, you enjoyed the feeling of his lips pressing softly against the back of your hand holding on firmly as if he never wanted to let go. 

~~~To be continued~~~

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