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Hey guys well this is Destiny here :P  I was tagged by the amazing @Griffendor_Fangirl

Here I go.

Tumbler: don't have one😢

Gender: I'm a girl.

If you had a cat what would you name it.
If it was a girl I would name it Silver Mist ( I know it's Amaris name but I've always loved it. And if it was a male I would name it GarretBobbyJoeJohnJr. No joke.

Height: I'm 5'9 and I'm still growing. I know I'm freakishly tall...

Hogwarts house: I'm slitherin.

Favorite color: I love lavander. And black. And grey. And white.

Time right now:7:56 in the morning

Time you sleep: 5 to 6 hours. I like to stay up.

Lucky number: 8

Last thing on google I searched: almond cake recipes.

Fictional character you want to be your younger sibling: Thalia and Jason Grace. Everyone says I'm just like Zeus. I get mad easily and when I'm mad you wanna stay away.

Favorite band:Exo, BTS, Got7

Dream Vacation: I've already been to mostly every country so, I would want to go to other states. I have only been to three other states so maybe California, or Hawaii.

Fandoms: I seriously can't name them all right now

Pick a word that starts with the first letter of your real name and then ends with the last letter of your watt pad name: oohs this is hard.uuuummmmmm Destiny. I really can't find any other words besides my name

Why did you choose your name.: I didn't choose my name my parents name. But if your talking. About our account name. Well were American and were readers.

Now i gotta tag 5 peeps.if you don't wanna answer it's fine!

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