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  "It'd be easier if you killed it you know". They keep talking. They wont stop. Everyday I hear them, speaking, screaming at me with their wretched words. Its pitiful really, but where would I be without them. Maybe life would be better but i'm braver with them.

   I sigh and look down at the deer I just hit with my truck. They say I should kill it, i'd be ending its misery, but i'm not too sure. The look it's giving me. It somehow feels......familiar....I feel short of breath and start to breathe quickly. I head to the back of my truck and pull out a metal bat. I push the tail back up and the bat clanks agaisnt the ground as I drag it, walking towards the wounded deer. "Do it Reiji". 

    I pull it back and stare into the eyes of the deer. It looks at me with terror and confusion. I smile and swing the bat down on its head. Repeatedly. Over and over and over again. I laugh, watching as its brains and guts spill and splatter all over me and the ground. They laugh with me in unison as I swing the instrument down faster and harder. With each swing I lose more energy and gradually slow. Dropping the bat, I stare down at the mutilated deer, licking some off the blood off of my chin. I sit down in front of the fresh corpse. "Come on, you know you want to~". I nod, I did want to. I slowly stick my hand into the caved in chest and feel around. Squishy, warm.......

   I suddenly start to pull at the flesh and blood spills into pools around me. Though my hand was doing its own thing, I didn't resist. I loved the sight and couldn't get enough of it. I bring the sloppy insides to my face and take a long sniff of it. It's intoxicating, I let out a soft, pleasurable, moan and bite my lip. I then slowly lick the animal's blood. It's ecstasy, oh my god. I smear the blood over my face and chuckle as they laugh. 

   "YES~, enjoy this while you can~!", they chant.   I play around with my toy a bit longer before reluctantly pulling away and wiping my face. I pick up the bat and throw it into the back as I hop into my car. I sigh and drive away from the scene as sirens become audible in the distance.


Yum, tasty bashed deer XD

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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