What was that!?

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Loki managed to tackle Tony out if the way and lunged at Kee, hoping to threaten the avengers to stand down or he'd kill her but not knowing that he'd be finding the exact girl he wanted. Kee slammed her fist in to his face, making him reel back in surprise and pain as he had underestimated this kid. He snarled at lunged at her, catching her on the shoulder with the knife he held. Artemis yelled angrily and joined her sister in the fight, only to also be cut by the same knife, coincidentally making identical cuts on both girls.
" Gah!" Loki gasped out as the avengers got over the shock and all tumbled on him angrily.
" Brother, you have crossed the line!" Thor snarled furiously, after seeing Kee and Artemis in pain.
Loki shrugged and disappeared, teleporting away to goodness knows where, and leaving the avengers all turning around wildly, in case he was behind them or something. He wasn't, and now the avengers were left with a whole classroom of terrified kids and a very groggy teacher.
" Girls, girls, how badly are you hurt?" Steve asked urgently as he ran to their sides.
" It's fine," Kee said calmly, though through gritted teeth as blood streamed through her fingers and all down her arm.
" Ow, ow, ow!" Artemis screamed as Natasha comforted her.
" Artemis's isn't as deep, it's pretty shallow, I don't know I about Kee's though," Clint called, after examining the girl with auburn hair.
" I'm fine, get Artemis some help now!" Kee said furiously her eyes showing anger.
The kids and teacher were filed outside by Thor and Steve, who pointed then to the oval where the rest if the school was. Mrs Hutchinson had followed them, groaning with a sore head, and knowing the avengers would deal with the wounded girls faster than she could.
" Thor, come over here please, it'll be faster if you fly her back to home base, Brice will be there to patch her up," Natasha called, after seeing Artemis' shallow but painful cut, that's blood flow was slowly stopping its initial pouring. She wasn't in serious danger at all.
Once they'd left, Artemis clinging to Thor with her good hand while he carried her effortlessly, they turned to address Kee.
" What were you going to do, try and choke Loki? You can't challenge him directly, you could have been killed, and killed Artemis too!" Clint Saudi scolding Kee in anguish, even though it was just a bad reaction to stress.
Kee glared daggers at him.
" I can fight for both Artemis and me! If you didn't notice I started the fight for you while you just stood there staring! Besides, he didn't want to kill us, he wanted to take us prisoner!" Kee challenged, still glaring at Clint.
Before Clint could reply, Kee stumbled,  and righted herself soon after.
" Hey kid, you sure you're fine? you don't look it!" Steve asked.
" You're looking mighty pale," Clint added.
" I'm fine!" Kee hissed.
" No you aren't, take your hand away from your wound now," Steve said fiercely and worriedly at the same time.
" You're impossible, all of you! I'm just fine okay!" Kee yelled before stumbling again and cursing angrily.
A stronger seep of blood coursed through the gals of her fingers and Steve had had enough. Kee was about to growl at him about something when her eyes rolled up in her head and she fell forward, only to be caught by Clint. Clint tried to wake her but she didn't respond, instead lying limp in his arms, eyes tight shut.
" Tony, get her to Stark Tower quickly, she's bleeding out!" Natasha cried in shock, seeing her deep cut bleeding profusely, much worse than Artemis' mere scratch.

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