LESSON 1- Maths

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So now we know maths is a shit subject, but here are a few things you SHOULD NOT do  -

1. When the question asks you to -find X- draw a circle and write here it is.

2. When the question say- use pi to get the anwser- draw a pie and write it wouldn't tell you the answer.

 3. When the question ask- how many legs are there if there are five chickens,three dogs, four horses, two cats and one orange- draw the out all the animals and write opps I lost count the orange distracted me.

4. When the question ask you to- give your reasons for this- write because my teacher told me so.

5. When the question asks you to -show your working out- draw a picture of your head draw an arrow to your brain and write working out.

6. When you are asked to use Pythagoras Therom draw an old man with a speech bubble and write - sorry I forgot my own therom, I getting old.

7. When you are asked to -explain your answer- write a paragraph of how your teacher taught it to you but then you forgot and had  to make it up as you went along.

8. When you are given your maths test eat it and say -sir i have lost my test please may I be excused to go look for it.-

9. Put you finger on your ear every so often and mutter random words. Then randomly jump out of your seat and run out of the room yelling- GO GO GO!-

10.  Correct every spelling and grammer mistake on the paper and at the end give it a mark out of 50.

So anymore you want to add in??? P.M us

All of these things have been done by the wonderful Mads!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2011 ⏰

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