Women get periods. It is the worst fucking thing in the whole world. The little reminder that says one of two things either; you're not pregnant with that guy you've been fooling around with and can't remember if you used a condom or not and you didn't use a condom, nice.
Oh and don't forget that if you don't have a tampon in it looks like you killed a little person in your underwear.
Now, I'm gay. So I don't need periods but my ovaries tell me I do. Just in case. However I do need chocolate and stuffed animals and Nicolas Sparks. Just to remind me I'm a girl and one day I will have a little human growing inside of me. Like that idea scares me. If I miss a sequence of me bleeding continually... Well you know the rest of the story. Four years later I have a toddler in the backseat of my minivan kicking the back of my seat on the way to their 9 am soccer game.
I love kids
I love the idea of someone loving me that much
I love the idea of a "mini me"
I hate the idea of crying
nagging and whining.Anyways that's all for now. That's for reading about periods.