GOODBYE 2011!!! HELLO 2012 :)))

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2011 is almost over. Another year of laughter, tears, dramas, experiences and memories will pass. Just waiting for the clock to strike at 12 midnight on the 31st of December and then the next thing you'll know is "HEYYY WELCOME 2012"! I know 2011 is not the best year for me. I had undergone loads of problem, trial and pressure but I also have moments that will remain not only in my mind but also in my heart.

Being a senior student is kinda difficult but one thing is for sure, you will have bunch of memories for keepsakes, good or bad as long as it's still a memory. You will encounter pressure and sometimes the urge to be absent for school for at least a day to unwind your self from that so called PRESSURE or maybe it's just the LAZINESS you feel. (LOL!) It's not easy because you have to act more maturely and to lead your fellow classmates, schoolmates and the lower years (especially if you're an officer in certain organization/s). You'll expect that lower years will bow at you because you're a pioneer in the campus and sometimes you feel like being angst at them just because of the fact that you're older than them. You have to work your asses off if you want to walk on center stage wearing your toga with a medal (for honor students) and a diploma.

(So much for that pressure whewww) The reason why I love going to school is because of my FRIENDS and classmates who never failed to make me laugh, crazy, cry, angry, pissed off, irritated and a DRAMA QUEEN. I can be annoying or a snob at times but mind you I'm ALWAYS noisy (I don't know if you find that irritating but my friends are used to that because they're also the same like me. LOL!) We have sleepovers, food trip, laugh trip, diva moments, chika moments, hang-outs and of course POVERTY MOMENTS. LOL! xD We buy foods or go to places even though we don't have enough money but, BIG BUT, through thick and thin, in sickness an in health, for richer or for poorer, for beauty or for ugliness, we will always be there for each other, willing to contribute what we have like money, foods or stuffs like that because ONE FOR ALL, FOR ALL ONE ! LOL AGAIN!

CLASSMATES. They add spice and color to my life same also with my TEACHERS. I have lots of memories with my classmates and I love my section (St. John of Sahagun) even though we have each other's differences (just look at my albums on Facebook because I have lots of special events taken with them there). We may not always be united because some of them are "KJ" but the bond that we share will always be memorable. TEACHERS. I have favorite teachers as well as teachers that I hate. They are our burden or our cross in our life as students but also remember that without them we're just a piece of scratch out there. I will never forget the most, Mr. Clint C. Cuico. He's huggable like a teddy bear and he's sooo damn cute! He's our teacher in religion or also known as CLE and I learned a lot from him ignoring the fact that it's JUST an easy subject. It's not just about values or the 10 Commandments or the 7 Sacraments and the famous saints that he has been teaching but he widens up the topic that will always lead us asking him further questions. He's not strict and actually I love his humor and he always shares his experiences with us but don't push him off his limits, I warn you. CRUSH. But of course high school life won't be high school life without your crush, right? ‼ They're our inspiration. The one who make us feel a little tingle in our stomach and the one make our cheeks turn red. FAMILY. They are our strength. We may have little problems with them because hell yeah, we're teenagers right? ‼ But a family is still a family no matter what. At the end of the day you'll realize how important they are in your life. GOD. He's our savior. Our protector. Our life-support. Thank Him for He had given us air to breathe. Day and night to spend with our love ones. And life to create memories. Without him we are just plain nothing. No air, no love, no life.

And now this year will soon come to an end. Another year of experience will come. Another life. Another love. Another memories. Another smile. Another trial. Another burden. Another pain. But no matter what I will always remember that life may be a bitch at times but I know you can't appreciate how beautiful life is without it. Leave all the hurt and the pain. Learn from your mistakes. Party like it's the last day of your life. Never take things for granted. And most especially I thank all those people and memories that I mentioned earlier and most especially, GOD. I'M READY 2012:)) HERE I COME :)))

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2011 ⏰

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