He asks you out Pt.2

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So for this is part two of 'He asks you out' in this one, you and Matt barely know each other. You sing and rap on your own but haven't really told anyone but two of your closest friends. Eventually it spreads and gets to Matt. Turns out he's wanted to talk to you for a while and likes you. But neither of you guys talk to one another, Your told enough info about Matt that it's like you know him but you don't lol.
"Y/N Y/N!!!" Your best friend calls out to you excitingly running down the hall to your locker.
"Yes?" I asked. I know this is about Matt.
"Okay okay, don't freak out but," she paused, "Mattisaskingyououttoday!"
See told yo- wait WHAT?!
"His friend Justin is my friend's friend's brother and Matt is going to ask you out today!"
"Wait hold on, I don't even like know him in person all I know about in person is that he sings and raps too!" Now this is concerning me.
"Yeah you two will get along fine," she looked frantically behind me and then down to her phone, "Okay gotta go bye!" She said quickly.
"Uh okay bye?" I responded shutting my locker door.

Now it seemed like no one was in the hallway but what looked like a group of guys at the end of the hall. No surprise there, I shrugged my shoulders and started to walk towards the front of the hall to go walk home.
"Y/N!" My other friend called out from behind.
"Hey!" I greeted her with a smile but that smile soon faded seeing she was followed by a couple guys I knew, Jack, Jackson, and Justin. Oh boy..
"You might know these three right?" She asked gesturing to the guys.
"Yeah...?" I didn't sound to amused or at least I thought I didn't.
"And you know who one of their friends is right?"
"Lemme guess, the kid that everyone has been talking to me about for the past couple days."
"Wanna talk to him?" Justin asked quickly.
"Wait wha-"
"HEY MATT!" Jack called out in the direction we just walked from.
"No guys really-" I tried to stop them but I turned to the direction they were calling I stopped.

I had never really seen Matt in person, I saw one of his videos when he was younger and he was cute but I had no idea what he looked like now.
When he started walking our direction the first thing that went through my head was 'Oh my' {😂😂😂😂} He was quite attractive. He brushed his hair back and had the most charming smile I think once he realized I was standing with his friends his face turned red and he slowed his pace.

"Matt, Y/N. Y/N, Matt." Justin said gesturing to each of us.
"Hi, nice to meet you...." I think I was red too because Jack was elbowing F/N and smiling.
"Hi nice to meet you too....." He was very quite. I like it, he's not wrapped up in fame.
"Okay we'll leave you guys to it." Jack said patting Matt's shoulder and walking off quickly with f/n and Justin.

We watched them practically run off so Matt and I could be together.

"Umm well," I said trying to break the silence.
"Uh I'm sure you already know don't you?" He spoke up. Wow, he actually said a sentence. And it was a question.
"Maybe...? I don't know, I-I've been told many things.." I sort of laughed at the end trying to make him feel better about it.
He laughed, "I know that you like- barely know me but I hope we could eventually be-"
"Matt, from as much as I've been told I feel like I know you. And seeing you in person puts the pieces together." I smiled.
"Oh well, nobody bothered to tell me that." He said looking around.
"Oh I thought they would, or at least tell you what I would say...." I trailed off. Okay wtf what friends don't tell someone what their crush says about them?!
"No," he paused looking down at his feet.
"Huh," I joined the silence. Come on think of something to say!! He's so cute and very sweet! He's not full of himself either.
"Maybe we should give it a shot..." I smiling shyly. The second I said that his face lit up,
"Wait r-really?"
"Yeah," I nodded, "But maybe actually get to know each other before we actually decided..." I sort of laughed.
"Yeah," he laughed too, "Well want to hang out this weekend or do a collab?"
"Sure! Here's my number," I told him writing my number down on a small piece of paper.
"Thanks, wanna walk out together?" He asked.
"Sure." I smiled. I was very tempted to grab his hand but I shouldn't, well I should try...

I took ahold of his hand, he got tense for a second but took ahold of mine as we walked out.

When we got out we saw F/N, Jack, Justin and Jackson standing together then they spotted us and starting making a choir of 'oooos'

"WAY TO GO MATT!" Justin shouted.
"SHIP IT!" F/N followed.

"Should we tell them?" Matt asked quietly.
"Nah, just let them have it, we should tell them later." I responded.
"I like the way you think," he smiled.
I smiled as a response, "See you later,"
"See ya,"

Just as I was about to let go of his hand he grabbed a tighter hold, pulled me back and kissed me. I'll admit, he's a pretty good kisser.
"See you around," he said quietly.
"Y-yeah," I was blushing and there's no way to hide it.

"WOO what happened there?!" Jackson asked.
"Well," Matt and I said in unison.
"No, we shouldn't get involved in what you two have." F/N interrupted.
"Yeah I agree with F/N, we'll leave you guys to it." Justin jumped in.
"Thankgod.." I said under my breath.
Matt must've heard me because he laughed, "See ya later Y/N."
"Bye Matt." And with that he let go of my hand and walked of with Jack, Justin and Jackson.

"I told you it would work out." F/N said
"Yeah, your right." I smiled.

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