You Like Me.....a tomboy?!?! A Cody/Greyson Love Story

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"ASHTON GET UP!" My mom screamed through the intercom. Why doesnt she just wake me up like any normal mom would. Well, because were not a normal family.

"Ugh." I muttered to my platypus Pogo. Im so not used to waking up this early. Today is the first day of school. Its a big deal because this year I am a freshman at Carnegie High School. I have to make a good impression. I mean I was easy on the eyes with my long brown hair, hazel eyes, and freckles, HECK guys swoon over me at my middle school. Theres jsut one thing. I am a MAJOR tomboy. I dont feel the need to walk around and act like im better than everybody else or wear skin tight clothes. Im just fine in my shorts and tees. Oh and dont even get me started on heels. Those things irk me just as bad as that Toddlers in Tiaras show. Thats just wrong.

Its not that I dont have the money to afford a rich girly-girl's lifestyle because I do. My mom is a famous fashion designer so the income is very high. I choose not to live like that. My twin brother Austin is a very preppy boy. He takes advantage of being rich by wearing lacoste and Ralph Lauren. I wear those too, just instead of skimpy things I wear actual polos. I find them comfy. My parents always tell me to act more like a girl but I simply ignore them. I like who I am and Im not going to change.

At my middle school I was the apart of the coolest clique in school. Me and my three best friends ran the whole place. We were the IT girls. The cool part about it was that two of us were tomboys. Me and Ariana. Ariana and I grew up together so we kind of became the same things. We both are uber obsessed with sports and could care less what we look like. Our parents are best friends to. The other girls in our group, Leeanne and Jackie are total girly girls. Somehow, we all managed to get along from the frist day in sixth grade. From then on the clique was formed and we were inseperable. Or so we thought. Leeanne and jacki are going to a different highschool than me and Ariana. Atleast I have one of them with me though right? Thats why this day has so much pressure on me. You never get a second chance at a first impression.

"Pogo, which t-shirt should I wear?" I always talk to my platypus. You call me crazy but its fun, we have a connection. Not the lovers kind, the whole platypus owner and pet kind. You know how it is. One thing you should know about me is that people that dont know me tink I am shy but people who do know me wish I was. I enjoy the beach, I drive the whole two hours to Laguna anytime I can. Im a star soccer player, I play keeper. I have been since I was seven. So its safe to say that Im really good. I hope to be like Hope Solo one day. Oh, and Im obsessed with Cody Simpson. Ariana doesnt like him though which I dont get. She likes Greyson Chance. I think he sounds like a girl, but he write really good songs. Purple Sky and Waiting Outside the Lines are GENIUS!

I took my shower then slid on my new Miss Me jeans from Buckle, Canvas Toms, and a white longsleeve t-shirt from my soccer team. Since my hair is naturally straight I let it airdry.

I walked into the hallway just as my six year old little sister, Molly, was comming out of her room. "Hey Molly, ready for your first day of school?" I asked her. Me and Molly get along really good.

"YES! My teacher is really nice and Betsy is in my class." Betsy was her best friend. She sprinted down the stairs. She is a spitfire. I slid down the railing ad landed with my hands on my hips.

"TEN!" Austin screamed from the dining room table.

"Thank you, thank you!" I said taking a bow.

"Ashton, why arent you dressing nice on your first day of school?" My mom, Tracy, said from the kitchen.

"Why dress like a bimbo when thats not who I am?" I said.

"Honey, you want to make a good impression on your teachers and new classmates."

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