Chapter 4

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Almost every night, Chris spent the night at Shania's house to spend time with their baby. As time went on, Chris and Shania became more tolerant of each other and then friends.

It was Saturday night and Chris and Shania decided to watch a movie since Danny was sleeping.

"Shania could you just pick a damn movie, it's been like fifteen minutes."

"Calm down Martinez, ooooh how about 'The Vow'?"

"Booooo, that's a shitty movie."

"I don't care, we are definitely watching it"

"Nooo you said that I can pick a movie too.." Chris explained

'Well this is my house and we'll watch your movie after mine!"

"You're so damn bossy Shay"

"Shhh its about to start"

The movie began and about 30minutes into the movie Shania began crying. Shockingly when she turned to Chris, she saw tears streaming down his face. 

"OH MY GOD CHRIS! ARE YOU......CRYING?" Shania shouted trying to contain her laughter.

"Shut the fuck up Shania, you're gonna wake up my son. And this movie is sensitive okay, Paige forgot about Leo and now it looks as if they are'nt gonna get back together man" Chris replied wiping his eyes.

Shania could'nt help but laugh till her stomach hurt. Chris became so annoyed, he pushed her off the couch.

"Oww! You're such a jackass Chris!"

"Naturally babygirl" Chris said laughing.

Suddenly Shania grabbed Chris's hand and pulled him off the couch also, causing him fall on top of her.

"Oh shit! Shay!"

"Chris!!! Thats what you get for being a jackass!" Shania replied laughing

Chris then quickly bit her neck.

"OWWWW! Son of a bitch. Chris what the hell dude!!!!"

"Oh calm down you baby, I didnt bite that hard"

Shania pushed Chris's hair behind his ear and stared in his eyes.

"Wow, I didnt know how beautiful your eyes were till now."

"Thanks Shay, I wish I could say the same but your eyes are boring."

"Oh shut up Chris."

"Haha, I'm kidding're really beautiful Shania. I know I've been an asshole to you and called you names, but you are. You're so beautiful."

Shania suddenly kissed him and immediately regretted it.

"Oh I'm so sorry Chris, I didnt mean to--"

Chris cut her off by kissing her on the lips. Their heartbeats became one and their kiss created a wave of electric sparks in each other.

All of a sudden, Daniel began crying through the baby monitor. 

Shania quickly pushed Chris off of her and ran upstairs into Danny's room. She gentlely picked  him up and began rocking him, but he wouldnt stop crying. 

Christiano then came inside and just stared at his son and Shania.

"Can I help?" He asked

"Sure, tha'll be great!"

Chris took Daniel into his arms and began singing a lullaby in Spaniah. Immediately, their son fell asleep.

"Wow! Its official, my son is not a mama's boy" Shania said sounding a bit disappointed.

"Oh dont worry about it, he just has that Ecuadorian blood in him that makes us inseperable."

"Oh whatever Chris."

Chris then laid Danny back into the crib to sleep.

"Hey Shay," He said while grabbing her hands

"I know you're freaked out about the kiss but, I dont care...cuz I'm not. I enjoyed every minute of it."

Shania pecked his lips and went into her room.

"Oh by the way too" She replied shutting her door.

He couldnt help but smile. 

"I swear this girl is gonna be the death of me."

Sincerely, ShayWhere stories live. Discover now